Nervous /Aegon II Targaryen/

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You haven't been feeling well lately, your husband worries about your health.

Every day, he had to sit in that room, by that table talking to these men about the most absurd things.

Every day, he was reminded how selfish all of them were.

Every day, his leg bounced up and down to a point where Aemond had to tell him to just stop already.

Every day, he sat there, not listening the slightest as he was worried.

So terribly worried for you.

You had been his wife for the past couple of years, the love of his life as he claimed, and never once had you fallen this ill.

Sure, he saw you sick before but this was something different, something bigger.

And today, you were finally getting looked at by nurses.

Aegon was even more impatient than on any other day. Aegon couldn't anticipate the end of this meeting so he could finally go back to you.

As soon as a lord stood up and finished the meetings for the day, Aegon bolted out the door.

He rushed back to your shared chambers where he saw you sitting by the fireplace.

As he entered you offered him a kind smile. "You are back early." you said as you put the cup of tea onto the small table beside you.

"What did the healers say?"

"Sit down please." you gestured to the other chair next to you.

"Please, My Wife do not play with my feelings. I spent all day worried sick for you and I feel like I could collapse I'm so nervous."

"I am not sick. Technically I am but it is expected of a woman in my condition."

"Condition?" he asked fearfully.

"I'm with child, Aegon." the smile on your face was blinding. You stood up and headed over to him. "You are going to be a father." you said as you placed his hand onto your stomach. "Although now you cannot see, but our little baby is in here. Are you happy?" you looked up at him, meeting his eyes. Oh, you could see just how happy he was.

He couldn't even hide it.

And he didn't need to. He reached for you, hugging you close.

"I was worried you would be sick with an illness no one can heal and yet... you give me such great news. I am incredibly happy, Y/N."

You tightened your grip around him as he pulled back, leaning down for a soft kiss.

"The nurse wanted to go to you and tell you but I asked them to let me bring you the news. I felt it would only be fair for you to hear it from me. I know we never truly tried for a child but I'm happy as well to be blessed by one."

"You will be an amazing mother. I just know it."

"And you will be an exceptional father. I am aware that we will have our worries on the way. That we will be unsure, but I'm positive we can do this together. I love you so much Aegon."

"I love you just as much if not more, My Love." Aegon smiled at you as he pulled you close. "You will look so gorgeous with our child under your heart." his eye filled with adoration and love.

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