Pure Love /Daemon Targaryen/

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Warnings: Mention of Smut, Murder

When your husband mentioned a meeting with his family, you knew things would go down fast.

When you married him you knew at one point his family will have issues with you.

You weren't a Targaryen, you weren't a God. You were a simple woman who fell in love with a man who happened to be Targaryen.

Daemon and you never allowed his last name to get between you two until now.

He warned you of his family, and of the comments, you might receive. You knew they definitely have something to say.

"Just ignore their comments, they are weak and they try to compensate."

"They are not weak, they are jealous, My Love. You and I got married out of love and not duty, something they do not understand, something they might never experience in their lives." Daemon smiled and nodded, you understood so well.

You could tell by everyone's faces, your arrival was not expected. You being wed to Daemon was not expected. But besides a couple side-eyed glances, nothing was said or done.

Until dinner.

First, it was bickering between the children, but soon the adults joined in.

As everyone got more and more drinks, resulting in many men drunk, that's when it started.

A person, a man, his name you forgot but Daemon repeated before dinner, said to be married to his niece or something, you didn't really pay attention Daemon looked way too beautiful in his formal clothing. The man started insulting you.

First, it was just a couple of words about you not being noble, not being born with 'dragon blood' as he said, this, you could have forgiven him.

"I don't think a whore like her should sit with us." to this comment, your husband's hand clenched the chair, you only hoped he wouldn't do anything too irrational but then again, this man was really challenging you two on your patience.

"I'm not too sure I understand what you mean, Daenegar." the two men looked at each other intensely as everyone just stayed silent.

"This whore you married." he said pointing at you. "She obviously just wanted to get your royal name, what a disgrace."

"Be careful with your words, Cousin." Deamon warned but the man just laughed, obviously very drunk.

"Careful with my words? How about you be careful where you stick it into, she is truly disgusting. And also-" with a swift movement, Daenegar's head was now on the table, blood oozing everywhere as you lift your cup.

"Cheers." you said to the others before taking a drink and continuing with your meal. Everyone looked terrified, not even the men expected this kind of reaction yet here it was. Daenegar dead as Daemon cleaned off his sword. And you just continued to eat as if nothing happened.

"Anyone else has any words towards my wife will meet the same fate." he simply said as he sat down beside you.

Needless to say, dinner wasn't the same after. Not to say that most women went white as the wall upon seeing the head and the decapitated body of Daenegar.

You two were now back at your chambers, his fingers caressing your naked back as he looked at you with pure love.

"Did you really marry me for my name?" he asked. You were still a bit disoriented, Daemon made a point to you about how much he loves you truly, once both of you were back in your chambers. The love-making went on for a long time, it must have been very late now, but you just kept staring into his gorgeous eyes, barely feeling your legs at this point.

"Totally. I married you for your name, indeed. And your dragon."

"I always knew you liked Caraxes."

"Not that dragon." you smirked at it took him a moment to realize what you meant.

"You naughty fox." he laughed a little as he moved onto his elbow, you shifted as well, moving closer to him. "I love you so much."

"I know Daemon. You proved yourself today quite a bit. You defended my honour, and you proved your tongue was made for more than just talking."

"You really are a naughty fox, My Lady." that damn smirk on his face was possibly the sexiest thing you have seen in your entire life.

You lifted your hand to run your fingers down his cheeks and jaw to his lips. As you moved your finger he placed a kiss on it, pouting against it, making you smile.

Just how pure your for this man was, it almost hurt at times.

"Tomorrow will be hectic."

"More so than today?" you asked as you let out a yawn.

"Precisely. Word will spread that I killed Daenegar. People might come fight me."

"I doubt that. Everyone here is afraid of you, I highly doubt they will even dare to look at me the wrong way, let alone fight you."

"If that's true, then my plan worked." you hummed as you closed your eyes, ready to sleep after such an exhausting day. "I love you too."

Daemon placed his head into the crook of your neck, placing a kiss on your skin and he too decided to get some sleep.

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