I think you're holding the heart of mine (my heart is yours) tc

Start from the beginning

y/n can't play 8 ball!
lol too late i js hung up on him again

Tara sucks at wordgames!
y/n omg
where are you right now?
youre at home right?

y/n can't play 8 ball!
that is correct ma'am
is there something wrong?

Tara sucks at wordgames!
fuck it
me and sam are coming over rn
is your sister home?

y/n can't play 8 ball!
nah fam
whats going on?
is everything okay?

Tara sucks at wordgames!
is everything locked?

y/n can't play 8 ball!
ofc it is
tara youre scaring me
oh my motherfucking god
it wont stop ringing

Tara sucks at wordgames!
y/n, whatever you do

y/n can't play 8 ball!
jesus okay

Your door burst down, revealing a man in a ghostface costume. You let out a yell, opening the switchblade. "What the fuck, Lana!" You yelled, placing your freehand to your heart. "You know I fucking hate those movies."

She stayed quiet, taking steps towards you. You felt that something was off, so you took steps away. "This isn't Lana." Your blood ran cold. You quickly went around the table, the person following behind you. You picked up your chair and threw it at them, stumbling a little bit. You managed to slip out of the apartment, but not without getting stabbed in the back. You let out a cry, falling over.

You were flipped around, your switchblade still in hand. The knife was plunged into your stomach, but you reciprocated the action. You could hear them whimper a little from the pain. "Oh fuck yeah asshole. I have you too." You mirrored whatever action they did with their knife in you. You mustered enough strength to kick them off and run down the stairs, jumping down a few sets.

You struggled for the most part, due to being stabbed. They managed to get to you, right as Tara and Sam got into the hallway that you were currently fighting in. You stuck the knife into them, but they just took it out and continued to stab you. They saw Sam and Tara, placing you into a chokehold, knife so close to your stomach. You were coughing up blood, one stab away from it being fatal.

Tara was pretty much crying at the sight of you, bloodied and beaten. Sam held her back to keep her from getting killed. "Y/n!" She called out, trying to break out of her sister's arms.

Sam held up her taser, slowly inching closer to ghostface. "Take another step closer and she dies." They hissed, keeping you still as you thrashed around.

"Fuck you." You bit into their arm, making them yell out in pain, stabbing you in the process. You let out another cry of pain, slumping against the wall. Now that you were out of their arms, they had to run. Sam went after them while Tara went to you. "Holy shit." Blood spilled out of your body.

"I'm so sorry, y/n." She cried, holding onto you for dear life. She continued to repeatedly apologize for not being there in time. You tried to reassure her, but your bleeding out body wasn't letting you.

"Hey," You picked up her face with your bloodied hand, placing your switchblade in her hand. "Kill that motherfucker for me."

She shook her head, patting your face to keep you away. "No, you're not dying. You can't. Y/n, you can't die." She tried to press your wound, but there was too many. Sam was already coming back. "Sam help!" She yelled towards her sister. You felt a tear slide down your cheek. "Y/n, I can explain."

"Don't worry." You reassured, groaning a little. You felt yourself growing lighter. "You had my best interest at heart. I get it." Sam was stood by you, calling the ambulance. "This gonna be a pretty big legal issue, isn't it?" You laughed, before groaning in pain. "Too bad I won't be alive to represent the case."

She immediately stopped you. "You're not dying. Y/n, please." She cried. You broke out a weak grin, kissing her softly. "No." You started to lose control, the pain lessening as you felt yourself losing your air. She kept on repeating the same words, over and over again. She didn't want to believe it, she couldn't believe it.

Bonus (spoilers for Scream VI):

Ethan let out a laugh. "I mean, she put up a hell of a fight, but it felt so fucking good killing her." 

"How could you kill your best friend?" Tara's voice cracked as she looked to Ethan in pure disgust. She slowly moved her hand towards her pocket which had the pocket knife you gave her.

"Best friend?" His voice went up in pitch, as if he was mocking disbelief. "We were never fucking friends." He was swinging his knife around. "She had everything I've ever wanted. Perfect grades, perfect family, perfect fucking girlfriend. I hated her, more than I hated your bitch sister." 

"Fuck you." Sam spat.

another one because the last one wasnt really a tara imagine lol

Dreaming Of You - Jenna Ortega imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now