Chapter 45 ~Old Man's Funeral~

Start from the beginning

"How about my weapon? Where did my scissors go? I need to bring something sharp with me...." I muttered and rummaged through the drawers and under the bed and closet, and other places I could search in here. Unluckily, I saw nothing but some needles and cotton balls and other small hospital things. Of course, I didn't hesitate to bring it with me. My shorts have pockets in them and I placed the cotton balls inside it. I just simply held those six needles to prevent hurting myself. Seriously, I wouldn't dare put it inside my pockets!! Anyway, I carefully and quietly slid the glass window open, and jumped out, landing swiftly on the ground. Then, I ran and jumped from roof to roof.

"I'm hungry. I wonder what time is it? It's still evening, right? Oh scratch that. The moon's already in there so, it must be around 2 to 3 am. I'll get some food later when the shops are already open. For now, I think I'll rest for a bit. After that, I'm going to find that stupid good-for-nothing show-off and ask him where Gaara is." I said to myself and lied down on a random roof, closing my eyes.


"There you are!! I've been looking for you! I searched the whole freaking village for one freaking hour just to find your stupid butt and then I'll just see you with those two stupid idiots?! Why didn't you even leave a note or tell me that you'll meet up with them or something?! I was freaking left behind!!" I yelled angrily while pointing an accusing finger at the stupid show-off. Sasuke just rolled his eyes and moved his hand, signing me to jump down because I'm like..... A lunatic standing and balancing myself on a fence!! Anyway, I did jump down and gave them a confused look, referring to their clothes.

"We didn't plan on wearing only black, right? You freaking copy-cats!!" I yelled again but they just gave me gloomy looks, making me raise my eyebrow.

"We'll tell you on the way. Come on, Kou." Sasuke said and reached out his hand for me. I accepted and held it, a bit confused where the hell they're all going. I remember doing this before with my family. We all wore black that time because we were going on a close-relative's funeral or something like that. So, did someone die?


I stood speechless with Naruto and the others, and when I say others, I mean all of the ninjas or maybe even the people living here in this village. I'm not really used to this kind of thing. Silence. Long moment of silence with sad and gloomy aura around us. Before I even know it, rain started pouring down, causing me to curse under my breath. I hate it when my clothes get wet, especially the clothes I enjoy wearing. Crazy, right? Maybe because I really like this kind of clothing even though I just wore this hours ago. Nevermind. I want to eat something already. I don't want to join this kind of gloomy event because it makes me remember the times I cry myself to sleep, the times I hug myself while staring at our old and quiet house, which was very lively and noisy before, the times I sit in a corner and cry because of their deaths and the thought of them leaving me all alone by myself.

"We are gathered here to remember the honored, not only the third Hokage, but also those who sacrificed themselves in this battle, so that our village would survive." It's not like I don't want to mourn for the old man's death, I mean, I want to because heck!! He accepted me and didn't punish me or execute me for those lives I took in this village before!!! It was the scar freak's decision to do that to me and not him, so he's really a kind-hearted old man.... I expected this because he's like an old man already and has a one step near his grave but of course, I didn't expect it to be so soon.... And that's making me a bit sad. It was so sudden. I don't even know what to feel right now. I feel so shock, so sad, and so angry, but I don't know what I should feel for his death. Should I feel sad because another important person left my life? Should I feel sad because the leader of my so-called home and the person who accepted me and let me live here without any doubts, even after knowing that I'm a cruel murderer who murdered lots of people in this village and lots of his men, is already gone? Should I feel angry because I wasn't able to protect him after all he had given me and after all the kind things he had done to me? Should I feel angry because I didn't even think of him or didn't even bother caring what's happening back here in the village and what's already happening to him when I was flying and grinning like an idiot back then with Gaara and the others? Should I feel happy because he's finally resting in peace and has already escaped the cruel reality? Should I feel happy because no one will control me anymore and because I can do whatever I want without anyone's permission here in and out of the village now that he's already gone? That's pretty selfish, but I really can't stand this anymore. I can't stand seeing a kid beside me crying his eyes out like what I normally do back then and such people with those sad looks on their faces. I need to get out of here before I lose my freaking mind.


"I should get over their deaths already. A month had already passed and I should accept the fact that I am all alone right now and that I won't be able to see their happy and cheerful faces again. I should.... Accept it already......." I whispered and accidentally wounded myself with the knife I'm currently wiping clean with a random cloth, causing more tears to escape my red and puffy eyes. Blood trickled down my pale skin at the same time.

"But.... Why can't I? Mom.... Dad...... Brother..... Why did it happen?? Why did you all leave me? Why did this all have to happen to us?? Why...? We didn't do anything wrong.... We were good people....... We were kind and happy...... We always had smiles on our faces....... This house of ours was always filled with laughter..... So why..? WHY LEAVE ME?!? WHY MAKE ME SUFFER LIKE THIS?!?! WHY?!?" I yelled angrily, my loud voice echoing through the quiet halls of our dead house. Thoughts of slicing my wrist with this damn knife of mine kept on appearing in my mind. Thoughts of commiting suicide didn't leave my head. Thoughts of following my family in the afterlife always run in my brain. But..... No. Anger and hatred never left me as well.

Before I kill myself and follow them, I'll make sure to kill every ninja in this cruel damn forsaken world..... I'll make sure to wipe every living thing on the face of this stupid place called Earth. I will succeed and no one will be able to stop me.

-Flashback Ends-

"Thanks for everything, old man....." I muttered while placing the red flower on the table above the other flowers. It was originally white but I decided to pierce a needle on my hand and paint the flower red using my blood. I did that when I was in front and when it was already my turn to place the flower. It was just quick and simple. Also, I know that the rain will wash the beautiful red color away, but I still did it. It's just a simple gift from me. A simple gift to thank him for every little thing. I'm thankful for him. I'll be thankful for him for the rest of my life. My blood proves that.

"I'll be leaving now. See you later." I said and walked away while looking at the small bleeding wound in my hand. I didn't bother waiting for their answer. I just want to get out of here.

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