chapter thirteen

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We sat in the waiting room for hours. And by 'we', I mean Josh, Lizzie's mom and I. None of us said a word to each other. There was nothing to say, really.

And then a nurse came out of Lizzie's room and approached us, so we all stood up. "She's awake," he told us.

We all started rushing to her room, but he stopped Josh and I. "Sorry, immediate family only."

"We're all family," Lizzie's mom said sternly. I looked at her in either surprise or gratitude.

The nurse seemed to know that we weren't, but he let us in anyways.

Lizzie's mom ran over to her bed right away and held her hand. "Lizzie, baby?"

"Hey, Mom." Her voice sounded shredded.

"Can you breathe okay?" she asked.

Lizzie nodded, but then she was crying. "It hurts, Mama," she cried.

Then I turned around and brought Josh with me. He seemed confused and annoyed at me, but I just told him, "Let them have this moment. Okay?"

He nodded, and I knew how much he wanted to go see her anyways. But we didn't until her mom came to the doorway and motioned us in.

I held back my tears and stayed strong when I came up to Lizzie, who just smiled weakly at me.

"Hey, Ty," she said.

Ty. That killed me. "Hey, Liz." I couldn't really stop the tears from gathering in my eyes, but I smiled at her nonetheless.

She saw the tears and reached up, holding a hand against my face. "I'm okay, Tyler," she said to me.

I held onto her hand with both of mine, then brought it to my lips and kissed her fingers.

She smiled over at Josh. "Hey," she said.

"Hey." He looked so shaken.

"You okay?" Lizzie asked.

He nodded. "That was kind of freaky, though."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry." She smiled again. "I'll try to let you know before it happens next time, okay?"

Josh let out a laugh, but he was still on the verge of tears.

"Josh," Lizzie's mom said to him, "I'm going down to the cafeteria to bring up some food. Why don't you help me?"


After they both left, I took a seat on Lizzie's cot. "You sure you're okay?"

She sighed, which ended in a cough. "Yeah."

"Do you know what happened?" I asked.

"They haven't told me." She closed her eyes for just a moment. "They haven't gotten the results yet."

I kissed her hand again. "You're okay, though, and that's what matters."

She just smiled weakly at me before closing her eyes again.


She ended up falling asleep and her mom had to go for work, so I was the only other one in the room for hours. I wanted to sleep, but I just couldn't do it. I kept worrying that something else would happen, and I wouldn't be awake to help.

I did go to down to the cafeteria a few times, buying some candy I knew Lizzie liked. The problem was that it was all overpriced. I would've bought so much more if it wasn't. I kept a stack of bags and boxes on her bedside table, so at least she'd have that when she woke up.

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