chapter six

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My dad made me go to school the next day, and every day after that for the rest of the week. It was hardly worth anything, since I couldn't focus on schoolwork. I just kept thinking about Lizzie, alone in that condescending padded cell of a hospital room, lonely as hell. I craved the feeling of her body laying next to mine, her warmth meeting mine and her soft breath against my neck.

I texted her a lot throughout the week, though. Multiple times I offered to visit her, but she refused. She didn't want me to see her like that, and I didn't blame her. She looked miserable, to be completely honest. She had all these wires and tubes stringing all around the cot, her face was pale, and she had dark shadows under her eyes. She was exhausted.

But she was alive, and that's what matters.

I spent every day after school with Josh so I could have some distraction from worrying about Lizzie. We tried writing some new tunes to try out, and it's a shame that I'd forgotten the one I made when I was in bed next to Lizzie that night. We came up with something somewhat similar about the dark not taking any prisoners, but it just wasn't the same.

Any time that I wasn't at school or hanging out with Josh, I was up in my treehouse, thinking and looking over the few sketches Lizzie got done while she was here. I even tacked her potato-cloud drawing up on the wall.

Most days I spent time out there from around 4 to 6, because that's when Lizzie would usually call if she got too lonely. She would describe the room to me so I could share the pain with her, and in return I'd describe the woods and the treehouse.

I got most excited when she told me she was coming home, though. It was Friday night, and she said she'd be back by 6 tomorrow evening. And I had this crazy thing planned out where I'd bring her out to the treehouse, and there I would have a little picnic dinner all set up, with the curtains shut and the lanterns lit. We would eat together, and then just be together, which was what I enjoyed most about her; just existing with her.

And then I'd ask her out.

Because, god, I couldn't wait any longer. If something went wrong with her lungs again, and she didn't wake up this time, I would've regretted not being with her sooner. Granted she said yes, of course.

So I went to Lizzie's house the next day at around noon to make sure it was okay with her mom that I had her over for dinner and everything. And then I wasted no time hurrying back and preparing everything. The problem was, I couldn't cook worth shit, so I just brought a bunch of food that I knew she liked. Lots of berries, some candy, and the only thing that was actually cooked were dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. She'd mentioned to me about her weird love for chicken nuggets, and I thought she'd appreciate these ones especially.

After everything was all set, I went back to her house to be there when she got back. I said goodbye to her mom as we passed on her way to pick Lizzie up, and then waited in the driveway in my car, its convertible hood down, sitting on the trunk and listening to music.

I waited for about a half hour before her mom returned. After she arrived and her mom went inside, Lizzie got out of the car and bit her lip when she saw me. God, she was so cute.

I turned my car radio off and slid off the trunk. "Welcome home," I told her, holding my arms open.

She practically ran over and completely slammed into me, wrapping her arms tight around my body and laughing. I held onto her tight and picked her up and swung her around, which made her laugh more. After I put her down, she said a quiet "Thank you" into my shoulder.

"Of course." I smiled as I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. After letting go, I said to her, "So I have a surprise back at the treehouse. Shall we go?"

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