chapter føur

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She let me keep the drawing she made, and kept mine in exchange. It was something I planned on keeping for a long time, and then giving it back right before she forgets about it. Maybe I'd frame it and give it to her as a graduation present. I'd pay a lot of money to see her face if I did that.

We stayed up late texting that night, and I just didn't want to ever stop talking to her.

You're a sucky artist, she sent me.

I smiled. She must've been looking at my drawing. At least I drew something plausible.

You also suck at following directions.

You got me there lol....

I gotta get some sleep, and you should too. Night, TJ

'TJ'. I loved that. Sleep tight, Lizzie.


The next day I went to school earlier than normal in hopes of catching Lizzie and being able to talk to her some more. I waited at the same spot she was drawing on Friday, but she never showed up. I didn't take it personally, though. I just met with Josh and hastily finished the homework we both forgot to do.

"So," he said, putting the papers away and pulling out another forgotten assignment, "you and Lizzie?"

"'So' what?" I replied.

He shrugged. "She's cute."

"Yeah, isn't she?"

Josh just shook his head and smiled.

"What?" I whined.

He looked at me with those squinty eyes, kind of how a dog looks when it's happy. "You guys are totally in love."

"Are not," I said, throwing an eraser at him.

"Are too," he taunted. "Dude, she's come over to your house twice in the past weekend since you met. You might as well start picking out the ring."

I kicked him in the shin. "We're just friends."

"What do you guys talk about, then?"

I hesitated before replying. I couldn't violate Lizzie's trust and tell him about the scars and stuff. "Music and art, mostly."

Josh let out a huge "Ppfffffffft."

"That's what friends talk about," I told him. "Oh, but you wouldn't know, would you?"

He made a face at me and threw back the eraser. Then he took his drumsticks out from his backpack and dropped a beat, to which I sang some stupid lyrics to.

A while later the bell rang, so we headed up to our first class. Lizzie wasn't there, either, so I assumed she slept in or something. She did that a lot, showing up at around 2nd or 3rd hour.

But she didn't show up at all that day. When I was at Josh's house that afternoon, she sent me a text, though.

Any homework in Spanish?

Just a verb quiz, I replied. Where were you today??

Home sick.

I hesitated before sending my next message. Want me to come over?

I'm okay. Thank you though.

Any time. I tossed my phone on my bed and continued playing Smash Bros with Josh, but Lizzie was still at the back of my mind. I hoped she was okay.


I got a little more worried the next week when she didn't show up at school at all. I wanted to text her or stop by, but something told me that if she wanted either, she would have done so already.

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