Epilogue - Wedding Day

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Sophie's POV

It's been ten years since Sophie had left the Potatoes, and for the first time, she was back to visit. And it looks like she'd picked the best day.

In front of the museum, glittering golden balloons were tied to the mailbox. Many, many cars lined the street. Sophie went inside. The inside had been expanded by magic, and it was about as big as a full-sized human gym! Hundreds of glowing lanterns floated around the ceiling, which led to a graceful steepled point. Humans, demigods, gods, snake people, and demons with horns stood in the rows and rows of white foldable chairs, talking and laughing.

Sophie spotted a familiar face, the light from the lanterns reflecting off of her glasses. "Mini!" Mini turned around, letting her ruffled plum skirt twirl. She lit up when she saw Sophie and ran into a hug.

"Sophie! You're here! It's been so long..."

"I came for a friendly visit but it looks like you've already got guests," Sophie joked. "What's going on?" Mini opened her mouth to answer but music began playing. "You'll see. Come, follow me!" She led Sophie to the front row of seats and sat her down with Rudy, Brynne, and teenaged Sheela and Nikita. They were all dressed up.

"You picked the perfect day," Brynne whispered.

"Where's Aru and Aiden?" Sophie asked. Rudy pointed to the front of the room. Aiden stood wearing a tuxedo. His eyes were wet with tears as he stared at something at the back of the room.

No, not something. Someone.

The room stood as a beautiful woman in a white lace dress, with dark hair braided back, entered the room.

Aru Shah was getting married.

She walked down the aisle, eyes fixated on Aiden. As she stepped onto the first step of the altar, she tripped on her dress and Aiden swooped in and caught her. She laughed and tried to kiss him, giddy, but a hand stopped them both and the couple ended up kissing both sides of the hand.

"Mo-om," Aru groaned, with a smile.

"If I'm going to marry you off, my Aru, at least let me do it right. No kissing yet!" Krithika Shah said. Aru and Aiden stood opposite each other, and stared into each other's eyes, as Krithika talked. Finally, it was time for the vows.

"Aru, I've loved you since the moment I saw you stalking me in the window with your Viking helmet on," said Aiden, earning a laugh from the audience. "Through all our trials and quests, we've always been together. I can't tell you how many times I've dreamed of this moment, but never has it been more special than this. I promise to always love you, to always supply you with an unending amount of Swedish Fish, and to be the amazing husband you deserve." His eyes shined bright as he slipped a simple gold band onto Aru's ring finger.

Aru took a matching, thicker band and said, "Aiden, I never thought I'd find someone as special as you. I never thought I'd get married. And I certainly never thought that I would be happy wearing a big poofy dress, and yet here we are, on the happiest day of my life." She sniffed. "I love you, my Wifey. And I'm so happy to be able to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to always love you, from now until forever." She slid the ring onto his finger. "And I'm going to hold you to that Swedish Fish promise."

"Aru, do you take Aiden to be your husband?" Krithika asked, voice cracking, as she looked at her daughter with pride.

"I do."

"Aiden, do you take Aru, my daughter, to be your wife?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, married, for all time. You may k-" She hadn't even finished speaking before Aiden took Aru in his arms and they kissed passionately. "Keep it PG!" Rudy yelled, and everyone laughed.

Sophie couldn't be happier.

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