Chapter 13

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J a c o b ' s P o v .

My heart was heavy with guilt and worry. I couldn't wrap my head around Renesmee's pain, and I hated myself for not being able to protect her from it. I felt so helpless.

R e n e s m e e ' s I n n e r M o n o l o g u e .

As I lay here, I feel the presence of my family surrounding me. I can hear their voices, filled with worry and sadness. I want to tell them I'm sorry, that I didn't mean to cause them so much pain. But the darkness keeps pulling me back.

C a r l i s l e ' s P o v .

I examined Renesmee, my heart aching for her and our family. I could tell she was struggling with her emotions and the weight of her past. As a doctor and a father, I was determined to help her find her way back to us. I needed to be strong for Renesmee and for our family.

I went out to the rest of the family, my expression somber. "Renesmee is in a very fragile state right now," I explained. "She's dealing with a lot of emotional turmoil, and it's going to be a long road to recovery. But we're going to be there for her every step of the way."

E d w a r d ' s P o v .

I looked at Bella, her eyes full of fear for our daughter. I knew we had to be strong for Renesmee, and I promised myself I would do everything I could to help her heal. We all needed to come together as a family, to show Renesmee that she was loved and supported, no matter what.

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