Chapter 10

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R e n e s m e e ' s P o v .

I can't help but feel like everything that has happened is my fault. I've brought pain and sorrow to my family, and now they're all worried about me. I wish I could tell them the truth, but I can't. I have to keep the secrets inside, even though it's tearing me apart.

Jacob is the sweetest boyfriend, and I love him with all my heart, but I can't shake the feeling that he loved my mom first. I know he's imprinted on me, but sometimes, I can't help but wonder if his feelings for her still linger in his heart.

E d w a r d ' s P o v .

I can sense Renesmee's turmoil, and it breaks my heart. I want to help her, but she's not telling us everything. I can't fully understand her thoughts, and it's frustrating. I need to find a way to help her and ease her pain.

B e l l a ' s P o v .

As a mother, it's agonizing to see Renesmee in pain. I want to protect her from any harm, but I know I can't shield her from everything. I need to be there for her and support her through her struggles. I'll do everything in my power to ensure her happiness.

J a c o b ' s P o v .

I'm doing my best to be the best boyfriend I can be for Renesmee, but I know she's struggling with the fact that I once loved her mother. It's hard for her, but I've imprinted on her, and she's the only one I want to be with now. I need to show her that my love for her is true and deep, and that I'll always be by her side.

R e n e s m e e ' s P o v .

As days go by, I try to cope with my feelings and the dark secrets I've been keeping. I know my family is worried about me, but I can't bring myself to tell them everything. I need to find a way to heal and to accept the love and support they're offering me. Maybe, just maybe, we can all find a way to move forward and find happiness in each other's arms.

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