Chapter 7

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Renesmee was at home, lost in her thoughts about Jacob and the dark secrets of her family. Her family suspected something was up with her, but they didn't have the full details, and she would never tell them. Renesmee was struggling with the imprint, knowing that Jacob wanted to kill her and loved Bella before she was born.

Despite not going to school yet, Renesmee's thoughts were consumed with the idea of fitting in and finding a place where she belonged. As she sat at the dining table, her family looked at her with concern.

Edward, sensing Renesmee's unease, asked gently, "Renesmee, what's troubling you?" Renesmee forced a smile and replied, "I'm just tired, that's all."

Bella, not entirely convinced, added, "You know you can talk to us about anything, right?" Renesmee nodded, maintaining her facade. "I know, Mom. I'm fine, really."

Alice, concerned about her niece, pressed further. "Renesmee, are you sure everything's okay?" Renesmee couldn't take the questions any longer. "Why does everyone keep asking me that?! I'm fine," she snapped, her frustration evident.

The entire family was taken aback by her outburst. Renesmee, realizing she'd lost control, quickly apologized and left the room. Bella called after her, "Renesmee, wait!" but she was already gone.

Jasper turned to the others and said, "Something's wrong with Renesmee." They all nodded in agreement, but they didn't know what was causing her distress. They worried about her well-being and wished they could understand what she was going through.

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