Chapter 6

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Jacob was worried about Renesmee. They walked into the living room, and he kissed her forehead. She was his girlfriend, his imprint. Renesmee smiled, but he could see that something was bothering her.

She faked a smile and sat down on the couch. Jacob deserved happiness, and sometimes she felt like she didn't. She was a constant reminder of the darkness in their family. Edward looked at her, and she faked another smile. She just sat there, listening to her family talk.

A few hours passed. The Cullen family went their separate ways. Alice and Jasper went to their room, while Rosalie and Emmett did the same. Edward and Bella shared a look before heading to their own room as well. Renesmee was left alone in the living room, feeling more isolated than ever.

This was when her thoughts haunted her the most. She knew about Jacob's feelings for her mother before she was born, and how he initially wanted to kill her. She couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't good enough for him, or for her family.

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