Is the mansion haunted

18 4 22

April's: POV

After a while we arrived to the mansion and the bus driver looked worried at us. "Be careful, strange things have happened here." he warned. "We promise." I said. "Is the mansion haunted?" asked Felix. "Yes." he said.

I took my brother's hand and we walked off the bus. Felix ran up to the house and rang the doorbell. Adam opened the door and smiled at us.


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"Hello April and Felix." he said. "Uncle Adam." he replied happily and hugged him. "Hello buddy." said Adam. "It's so cool that you live in a haunted mansion." replied Felix. I told him what the bus driver had said. "Don't listen to him, he just wanted to scare you." said Adam.

Felix were so happy to see his cousins again. I walked upstairs and found my room. I had just unpack my bag when I heard Felix screaming. I found him in a room and he looked at a red wardrobe.

"April, it's the wardrobe from Narnia." said Felix overjoyed. "Don't scare me like that." I replied. Just then ran a little girl and her sister into the room. They went into the wardrobe. I gasped when they hung themselves. I covered Felix's eyes.


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We found an old photograph of a couple in the attic. The man looked just like Jack. "It's John and his wife Sarah Evans." said Felix. "I wonder if they lived here." I replied. "It's taken April 15th 1896." he said. "Wow." I replied.

"Should we tell Adam?" he asked

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"Should we tell Adam?" he asked. "No, he won't believe us." I said. "Can I tell Snow?" asked Felix "Sure." I said. He took the photo and ran out of the room. I shook my head. He's just like Snow, he loves everything haunted.

I love Felix

I hope you liked the chapter


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