Imlie is imlie✨️

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Next day

Imlie is in home. She is with cheeni and cheeku enjoying mother kids time. Just then her phone rang..

Hello ma'am, am madhav. Did i disturbed You in anyways. Actually... I called you due to an emergency.

Imlie is perplexed by the fact that she too have an assistant. But she didn't show it..

Imlie: feel free to talk. What happened... 🙄

Ma'am sir is hell angry.. He is not in our control.. Last time we saw how you control him. If you can please come🥺..

Imlie: actually what's the matter..

One of the employ posted a false report. Sir is hell mad at him.. He himself failed case for fabrication.. But actually that employee is not bad at heart nor a lazy irresponsible person.. Maam he need a second chance.

Imlie : give me sometime.. I will be there asap..

She cut the call.. She informed Narmada about the situation and get ready to go. Sundar is there to take her.


All employees knew that imlie regained consciousness. No one is allowed to talk about anything related to AryLie. They are so sad because they miss their cute boss lady.. Even though its two day..

Arohi: he is not in control. Already he is in a mess and this person add one more.. 🥺

Anupama : that kid is broken inside.. Still acting tough..

Akshara:someone really eyed their happiness 🥺...

In otherside police is here to arrest that person

Stop... Wait a minute...

When all turned its their Lady boss. All are surprised to see her

 All are surprised to see her

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

She comes near her Angry man..

Don't you knew you need rest.. Why are you here imlie..

Everyone is waiting to see how she is going to reply. She looks different in her style...

 She looks different in her style

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.
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