Together Forever🤞🏻

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Aryan was waiting for imlie to join him as he knew she hate the idea of him criticising her whether its her mistake or not.

Zonal mang: sir i was unaware that she is your wife... 🙄

Aryan : it's okay to be unaware of whose wife she is

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Aryan : it's okay to be unaware of whose wife she is.. But how can you not knew Reporter Imlie. Her work experience is short, but its quality is much better than many who spend  decades in this field.

Aditya: Whole pagdandiya is famous be cause of her. Your action cannot be justified

Aryan : You can move to the session that's below to your current status..

Aryan prepares to go to his cabin. But in way he met Meethi abd cheeni

Dont tell imliya, i was the one who reveal the fact and did this spywork 😁

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Dont tell imliya, i was the one who reveal the fact and did this spywork 😁..

Aryan: ji huzoor.. I wont😂.. Come i will take you back to my cabin..

She quickly climb into his embrace. From a distance Aditya is watching everything.

 From a distance Aditya is watching everything

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What's happening here🥺

Imlie with a pout face enters there..

Aryan: Do I need to pick you too.. Am really ready.. Come.

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