An Accident 💔

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Next Day

Every day is a new beginning, every day is a chance to be happy. But some days are darkest that it will affect our life adversely. Today is not a good one for AryLie.

Imlie who is in charge of her arpi Di's post wedding ritual took a day off. While our Business man left in early morning like world won't run without him 😁..

Narmada is busy in helping newly married couple. Tripathi along with aryan is cheering the couple.. Imlie was busy in greeting guest, just then her phone rang..

Hello.. Is this Mrs Aryan Singh Rathore... We are from City hospital.. We called you to inform that he met with an accident and is in hospital..

Thud... The sound of imlie fainting made others awestruck. Aditya took the phone and answered it. He too is taken back by the news that Aryan met with an accident. He informed others about it.

When Imlie opened eyes, she is already in hospital. She removed all those drip and things and ran outside the room. She met her family..

What happened to him💔

Neela ji: your bravery and work caused my lallas this condition.. He met with an accident.. Do you hear that.. Narmada you still wont learn a lesson.. Keep her in head, one day she will kill your son..

Arpi: can't you stop blaming her. She is already this weak.. What is there more to hurt her

Just then doctor comes out

Nothing to worry.. Just a small accident. He is under sedation.. Will be awake in hours.. And only one can be with patient.

Doctor left.. Imlie get her good life back..

Narmada : beta you stay here.. We will come in morning.. I knew if i ask You to go too.. You won't listen to me

Everyone left.. Imlie was in his room. She gave him a spongebath. Then she sleep in the sofa beside him. Actually she was waiting for him, inbetween due to tiredness she slept


When he woke up the first thing he saw was his beautiful wife sleeping in front of him.. She looks very pale.. Her forehead

Has a frown of tension

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Has a frown of tension.. She is no more that energetic imlie he knew.. He slowly get up and go

 He slowly get up and go

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
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