Memory Regained 🤞🏻

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Nooo....... Imlie you cant do that.... Imlie... 💔

Aryan wake up with a jerk.. Just then he saw himself in hospital bed. His family surrounding him.

Maa meri imlie... How is she🙄🥺

Arpita come forward.

Arpita: aruu.. She regained consciousness... You were unconscious till now due to exhaustion..

Aryan: she is fine.. Yeah.. She is.. She can't leave me like.. That.. She can't leave her husband like that..

Narmada : Aru.. She regained her memory.. She doesnt remember anything after that accident... 🥺😭.. We are sorry baccha... Your imlie is back as imlie not as your jungli..

If she is alive and sound... It doesnt matter maa... She is alive.. That's all i need to knew.. Otherwise i won't survive her absence. 💔.. Can i meet her.. Will she allow that💔

Arpita take him into her room. He saw everyone waiting outside her room.

Malini: aryan.. You cant accept defeat even before trying.. Go inside. Confront her and let her decide what she wants

 Confront her and let her decide what she wants

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He slowly come inside...

Is that fun to play with me while my memory were lost..i dont consider You as such an unfair player.... How...

Aryan: trust me in one thing.. I didn't compel you to do anything that's not fair or fine... Imlie trust me..

I lost my memory, but you didnt naa

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I lost my memory, but you didnt naa.. Why you married me.. Why.... 💔.. Aryansinghrathore You broke my heart💔.

Rathore's enters. Aryan walk into the side and sits there.... He can't hold more himself. Today he witnessed many thing. Slowly Tripathi's too enters there. Arpita who saw her lil imliya crying 🥺

 Arpita who saw her lil imliya crying 🥺

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