Baby Shower 💕

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Imlie is in her room. She have no appetite in recent days. Rathore's donno how to make her eat something. Aryan is in office. He is the studio with actors. His phone ranged. He ask Pankaj to put it in speaker.

Aruuu.. She is not eating anything.. Can you just come here.. We donno what to do🥺

Everyone is looking at him. All arw curious to knew that whither there ASR will walk out from hectic schedule just to make her eat food.

An hour maa.. I will be there.. No worry.. I will handle her✌🏻

Aryan immediately bid bye and left to home.

Akshu: is that same Aryan singh Rathore we knew🥺.. No i think this is his doppelganger.. He cant be like this

Everyone burst into laughter hearing her monologue which is too loud😂

Rathore house

Aryan run into his room with something very special.. He made his wife sit down in bed

 He made his wife sit down in bed

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Dont ask too many questions.. Just sit.. ✌🏻

She looks at him with an wide eyes...

She looks at him with an wide eyes

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You here.. ABP you hold me naa its urgent and you need to be there..

Aryan: what's more urgent than you🤞🏻 look i bring so many food.. Choose your fav.. Come eat this

 Come eat this

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