Finally 💕✌🏻

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Aryan was searching for imlie here and there. Just then he saw her in the balcony enjoying the view...

 Just then he saw her in the balcony enjoying the view

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You were here.. I searched you every where..

Imlie look at him..

ABP come here naa.. Its so soothing to be here

He walk towards her. He come and sit beside her in ground.

What happened to my jungli.. Sitting in a place that's too very quietly and politely.. Something is fishy 🙄

 Something is fishy 🙄

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Imlie: nothing.. Am just enjoying my me time.. But i now need you beside me... Sit here with like this.. Or come lil closer..

He comes closer, she cupped his face

He comes closer, she cupped his face

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ABP, i love You.. Thank you for coming into my life..

He come closer and kissed her

He come closer and kissed her

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