Grim Tidings

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Chapter 14: Grim Tidings

The trip back to the castle was pleasant yet uneventful. Therefore, the activity that we returned to was a bit of a surprise. We were aloud entrance with a deep bow and a 'We are so glad that you have returned Lady Sin!' From one of the guardsmen on duty. That alone had Kieran and I exchange worried looks as he passed on the reigns to my horses and the carriage to a groomsman.

We wasted no time heading to Felicity, noting the men hurrying to and frow as we did. Clearly something was up, and what ever it was appeared to be trouble. We saw guards dashing about carrying weapons and armor, all of them looking stalwart and determined in their tasks.

Kieran and I exchanged a look of concern before picking up the pace with getting my horses situated with a groom. Something big was up and I wanted to be sure Felicity was alright.

"They smell of anxiety, but I can't detect any fear or grief from them." Noted Rougier, his scales rough on my neck.

"You can smell emotions?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, struggling a little to keep paces with Kieran's longer stride.

"Sometimes, if they are strong." Said the dragon, eyeing the men as we entered the castle and hurried for the greeting room where the young Queen could usually be found when not attending her studies. "Many a creature can you know?" Now he eyed my as if he felt bad for me. "It is mostly just the two footed ones whose noses are so bad."

My only response was a rolling of my eyes, too anxious myself to have fun bantering with the cantankerous old lizard. Besides, as far as I knew, he was mostly correct.

"Sin!" Gasped a haggard looking Felicity, side stepping Garris and several other lower ranking butlers to hurried forward and give me a swift hug. "Thank goodness you are back!"

This room, like much of the others in the castle, was in a state of controlled chaos. Butlers and servants were rushing in and out to talk with Garris or to collect the many crates I now saw stacked along the back window. Provisions by the look of it, as I had seen similar creates in the kitchens.

"What is going on?" I asked, pushing the young girl back off me a little while eyeing the mess the once orderly room was in.

"We received some disheartening news late last night." Said the Queen, gripping her skirts worriedly.

"What news?" I asked as Kieran took his place to my right and just behind me. Rougier looked like he was calm on my shoulder, but I could feel the bunching and jittering of his muscles.

"A messenger was sent from Fausta, via Deadrin." Spoke up Garris, handing a sheet of parchment to a younger butler who hurried off with a small bow. The older male stepped up, taking a similar stance to Kieran at Felicity's side. "It was urgent and quite distressing."

"The moons? Wait, Deadrin... I though no one was aloud to be on that moon without the express permission of the Queens?" I asked, now confused as well as worried.

Garris nodded and he and Felicity shared a look. "There is one Queen who calls the moon her home. Lady Ooma."

"She is said to be the single oldest Queen still living." Said Felicity. "She received the blessing of the gods themselves to live on Deadrin, and she is a bit of a hermit. I have never met her myself, and I do not think my mother had either."

"She is one of the very old queens who have let their bloodlines fade away and employ but a few Reihan to aid them in their seclusion." Explained Garris. "But Lady Ooma is a very famous and highly respected queen, even if she is not as well known by some of the younger generations."

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