Guther the Smith

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Chapter 12: Guther the Smith

Once we had agreed to shelf the land issue till I could go and check out the situation myself, we then turned to other stately matters. It was long winded and dull, and I wished I could flee. But I knew that it was important, so I sat through it without any complaint. No outward complaint at least.

There were discussions on trade and commerce. But that all seemed so far off in the future and mostly between the other Queens as my land wasn't even decided yet. I did chime back in when talks turned to labor and such. I wanted information on who to contact about getting my preparations on the roll for getting back to Hearth. I was hopping to have everything worked out within the next two weeks in time to get the portal back to the other world. With any luck I could even get the ball rolling on the corruption issue. Taming a ton of worms shouldn't be too hard, at the very least.

I managed to get a couple of the queens to get in touch with some craftsmen for me too. Not just because I wanted to turn some of the gifts, I had received into new gear but also because I was hoping to find someone to help me set up the portal stone I had received. If taking the waste lands for my own worked out then I could set up a permanent connection between there and my home at the Red Raven's base. I probably should ask Rift before making a portal from the base to Demonia, but- nah.

Luckily the meeting ended fairly amicably, and I was referred to a few craftsmen. We even managed to close the whole deal before lunch. I still had a million things to do but this had been the thing I was dreading most, so I was relived that it was finally done and over with. Kieran laughed as he escorted me back to my rooms.

"I don't see what is so funny." I huffed good naturedly.

"You are, my lady. But I am unsurprised that you don't think the same." He said, shutting my door behind us. I threw myself dramatically onto the bed, earning an angry squawk from Rougier who had been sleeping on one of my pillows.

"Oops." I laughed. "Sorry Rougier. I didn't realise you were here. Got bored of the stables?"

"Horses- weather they are named after the great dragons or not- are only so entertaining." He grumbled, hauling himself back onto the pillow and curling up again. "I see you managed to survive the Demon's den then."

"Yes. Thankfully. If I had to sit through anymore political or economical talk my head may have exploded. I so did not sign up for all this noise." I sighed and rolled onto my back, looking up at the canopy of my bed. "I just wanted to be a normal demon lady with a pet dragon or two. Was that so much to ask for?"

"I am not a pet." Rumbled Rougier but not sounding overly offended.

"I need to head out to the stables myself here in a moment to name my new ponies. I take it you will be staying here then?"

"I will be, yes. Especially seeing as how you seem to have forgotten to bring me a snack."

"Ho ho! Shows what you know. Shinra?" At my call the large tiger manifested out of the shadows under the bed, her large size making the king-sized bed look small. In her jaws she held a small sack and dropped it on my sheets. It opened to reveal a selection of pastries. "They were only serving sweets, so if you want some meat you will have to go out and get your own or wait a couple hours for lunch."

"I will wait. I hunted not long ago. If I keep eating this well, I well be too fat to fly." He sighed as I laughed. "Being here is making me lazy. What I need is a good fight to keep me in shape."

"I am sure I will get you into plenty of those, don't you worry." I said, patting his lumpy head. "But till then you will have to settle for just regular exorcizes."

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