A Demon's Ball

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Chapter 9: A Demon's Ball

I had been to Felicity's ball room before. I was helping with the preparations at least. Well, the others said I was helping but really it was just Felicity and I standing in a corner approving of minor details. She seemed to think that it was of great importance, but I was pretty sure it was just the servants and butlers humoring us. Either way, seeing the large, marble room then and now were two completely different things.

Apparently, Demon Queens took their balls very seriously. It was a time to show off to other queens in a way that didn't involve starting wars, so the other demons were happy to pull all the stops and throw truly extravagant parties. I was told that six or sever balls were thrown every year amongst the queens for one reason or another and most queens attend at lest one of these, every year. This year the massive room was packed to bursting with demons dressed in their most expensive gowns and jewelry. Everyone had a wardrobe change before entering the ballroom and now the place was positively dazzling.

I had also gone through a wardrobe change for the event. I was now in a shimmering black slip of a dress; the sides open nearly to my hips and the cloth dragging on the floor around my bare feet. It was in no way functional and I would likely trip and fall if I tried to run in it, but I preferred it to the pounds of cloth I had to wear most of the day. And the copious amounts of exposed skin and cleavage didn't really bug me any. I wasn't a touchy-feely person but I also wasn't body shy. I could have come in here stark naked and not have care one bit so long as people kept their grubby hands to them selves.

And I wasn't the only one dressed less queen like than any royal on Earth would have. But most wore more sedated dresses, but everyone was gorgeous to the extreme, even those that may have been considered more manly than the typical human view of a queen.

These balls were probably the only time in the demon world that there were more women than men. Many of the queens had brought their one aloud butler but several others decided to attend unescorted. I had Kieran with me. No way was I going to be forced to interact with hundreds of strangers and do it all on my own. He wore a fancy tux with a jacket that had long tails. He literally looked like some hot demon butler from a movie. How dare most demons look gorgeous! Didn't seem fair to me but who was I to judge I suppose.

"You look stunning Lady Sin." He told me with a bow, holding out an arm so that he could escort me the proper way. "Even if you also look like you would rather be any place else." He added with a smirk.

"That obvious huh?" I asked, smoothing out the dress and glancing about nervously. There was no dancing going on despite the gentle music being played by the orchestra on the other side of the room. Mostly people seemed to be chatting and laughing amongst one another. I also noted that I was drawing a lot of attention from those around me. It was to be expected of course, it was my party, and I was the new girl in town. But that didn't mean I had to like it either. "Exactly how long does this last?"

Kieran laughed. "Lucky for you that the Presentation went on so long. You will only have to mingle for a couple hours."

I groaned. Only? Yuck. I tried to pick out a friendly face amongst the queens. If I could find Felicity or maybe that Christine Queen than I could get through the night with minimal socializing. But I couldn't make either out amongst all the fancy dresses and done up hair and make up. Damn it.

"Sin Andra." Purred a familiar voice from behind me. I sighed and spun to meet the gaze of Queen Victory once again. She laughed, the diadem on her forehead sparkling under the chandeliers and in her hand a flute of red wine. She was dressed in a deep green chiffon gown that made her look even more like a jungle Queen. She looked like she was supposed to have a tiger at her side and have everyone here bow before her. I hoped to have her power and presence when I grew up to be a big girl demon. "You look like a maiden in need of rescuing. It is not a flattering look for one such as yourself." She said with a laugh. "You strike me as a woman much like myself."

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