Anger and Fear in the Capital

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Chapter 2: Anger and Fear in the Capital

Larasta City, eight days after the Dungeon raid

Vale stood behind his captain and did his best to keep in control. It had been over a week now since Sin had been thrown into the portal, but the rage still had not subsided. He was unaccustomed to being out of control. He had many decades of training and experience, a decorated officer in on of the nine royal squads... but right now he was as pissed as he had ever been. The small dragon newt on his shoulder made a sad noise and Vale's lips pressed together in a thin line. The monster had been inconsolable the whole time, lethargic and not eating well.

Rift sighed, his chin resting on his folded fingers, elbows resting on the polished oval table. Captain Rift Rice of the Red Ravens was only one of the esteemed members present at this meeting today. Normally some one such as Vale would not have been invited here but he was the only member of the Squad who had firsthand knowledge of what had happened in the dungeon and so Captain Rift had asked that he be aloud to be there. Vale knew that his captain was angry, but like himself, Rift was good at hiding his emotions.

"Should that creature really be aloud in here." Sighed Geld. He was the captain of the Green Serpents, and one of Vale's least favorite Squad leaders. He was a human in his late fifties with a belly so big he was wider than he was tall. He had brown hair and a tiny mustache; his eyes were too close together and his nose was small. To Vale, he looked like an overweight rat. He sat a few seats down from Captain Rift and glared at the dragon newt with distaste.

"Really though." Agreed Rain, a stern look in her yellow eyes. She sat next to the rotund Serpent captain and couldn't have been a bigger contrast. She was nearly six feet tall, muscled, and straight backed. She was the leader and founder of the Black Tigers and a fiercely proud and loyal woman. A tiger beastmen herself, she preferred to accept those of the beastmen race as he subordinates. Vale had a lot of respect for the woman. "I know it is only a newt, but monsters should not be present around the queen."

The queen didn't seem to mind, however. She sat at the head of this long table, her long blonde hair braided with gemstones today, pale blue eyes locked on the dragon newt with concern. If Vale remembered correctly, her mother had once worn a dragon newt back when such a thing was in fashion. He had not met the queen often. She was young at only twenty-six, but she seemed to be a fair ruler. It was a difficult time to be a monarch now. It was those who reigned during the rising of the Demon King who often stood out most in history. No doubt Queen Seraphina the fourth would like wise be remembered.

"Drogin is my guest." Rumbled Rift. His tone the only indication that he was not very happy right then. "Besides, he is a tamers companion, not some wild monster. His master is the reason for this meeting as a matter of fact, so how about we get back to the discussion at hand?"

Vale watched as several of the gathered captains glared. The Red Raven's had a reputation as being a band of eccentric, and often low brow, trouble makers with barely any over site. Mostly the rumors were true. But Rift was a stellar captain and Vale did not appreciate the looks he was receiving. Still, he stayed quiet. It was not his place to speak now.

"Why are we here exactly?" Asked another captain, this one seated to the left of the queen. Orphryn could be prickly and snobbish, but that was how most of the high elves were so Vale never held it against the man. He looked to be in his early thirties, but Vale knew he was more like in his eighties. How did he know? Because he and the brown eyed, pointed ear elf were about the same age. They had entered the Squads at the same time. Now Orphryn was the captain of the Silver Phoenix, the second strongest Squad in service to the kingdom.

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