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- The Forbidden Zone

After picking up Olivia and Kiara from the wreck, the Thornton girl was sat in the passenger seat in John B van as her fingers reached up playing with her necklace chain that she on with the word 'S' as it was a birthday gift from Sarah who had th...

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After picking up Olivia and Kiara from the wreck, the Thornton girl was sat in the passenger seat in John B van as her fingers reached up playing with her necklace chain that she on with the word 'S' as it was a birthday gift from Sarah who had the exact same necklace but with the word 'O'.  Olivia had no idea where John B were taking them but he needed all of his friends help which is why he had to convince the blonde to go with them especially since things have been extremely awkward between the two of them since John B had kissed her.

JJ rolled himself a joint as he glanced between his four friends and said, "You mind if I just relax on this one? It's been a long day, and a lot of weird stuff's gone down. I'm just gonna lay low." He then turned his attention to Pope holding out the joint and inquired, " Oh, did you want a hit of this?" Pope shook his head waving his hand slightly gesturing that he didn't a hit of the joint and spoke, " I keep the signal clear"

"Dude,okay. Do you understand that your problem is that you don't get creative? If you got creative, then... JJ trailed off when John B suddenly interrupted the two boys conversation and commented, "Look, I... I know I was wrong about the lighthouse, all right?" Olivia and Kiara shared an subtle glance as John B looked at Olivia and then into rear view mirror to look at the others who were sitting in the backseats, "But I - I was right about one thing. Okay? My dad is trying to tell me something"

John B parked the car in the driveway that led to a tall iron gate, " Oh, hell no. You can't actually be serious" Olivia muttered under her breathe as she climbed out of the van as she knew exactly where John B had taken them to and that is Redfield Cemetery. The five teenagers climbed over the fence as John B glanced back urging them to hurry, " Come on, Hey. Hey, come on"

"I'm coming. This place is scary." Kiara resorted as she entwined her fingers with Olivia who nodded her head in agreement holding a flashlight in her free hand and added in, " tell me about it. Why does it have to be a cemetery? It creeps me the hell out. John B, what are we doing?" Olivia looked around her surroundings with an confused expression on her face as John B glanced over his shoulder at his friends and started to explain, "You know how you're trying to remember a song and can't remember who sings it?"

Kiara frown deepened on her face but nodded her head in understanding, " Yeah" she then looked at Olivia silently asking if she had any idea what that had to do with being in a cemetery so late but the blonde girl was just as confused as she was shrugging her shoulders as John B continued speaking, "So, Redfield. This whole time, I thought it was a place, right?" The five teens walked up to a crypt that had redfeild carved into the headstone, "But it's not a place. It's a person"

John B shined his flashlight up at the name above the door causing everyone else to stare at the crypt with shocked expressions on their faces, "Voi-effing-lâ." JJ muttered as he was slightly high from the blunt he had in the war on the way over to the cemetery causing Olivia to smile in amusement. "See, my great-great-grandmother, Olivia Redfield. That was her maiden name" John B informed as he walked over to the door gesturing for his friends to help him move the door, "Help me with the door. Come on."

𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓- 𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍 𝐁 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐃𝐆𝐄Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang