Chapter 16: Family Affairs

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Arion was hesitant to let me go but I think he realized I needed time to cool down. Which I did, desperately.

I'd come this close, this close to blowing my cover and stirring suspicion. I wouldn't be surprised if Maria was already suspicious. Did she catch me staring at that binder or was it all in my head? Stupid, stupid girl.

I made a mental note to avoid her.

I told Arion I'd catch him later, took my purse and went straight to the library, the only place I felt safe. I decided to hide my weapons there, I wasn't comfortable leaving it in the room with Arion. The library was empty, and a cursory glance told me there were no cameras installed inside. At least not visible ones. I tried to look for a good hiding spot for my guns. Somewhere accessible but hidden.

There were drawers on the cabinet under the window. The shelf looked dusty, like nobody had touched it in a long time. I was very careful not to disturb the layer of dust when I opened one of the drawers. Aside from a few cobwebs, the drawer was empty so I stashed my guns there and carefully closed it.


Someone is coming!

I quickly tiptoed over to one of the shelves and pretended to inspect the tomes lining it. Not a single one of the authors was from this century, judging by the way every one of them was a Lord of some kind.

The door opened and I turned to look.

Rhys. He was carrying a pile of papers and a few folders.

Fantastic. I inched closer to the cabinet.

"Hello, Lucifera, it's nice to meet you again," He said, setting the papers on the nearest table. "I thought I would find you here."

I was so tempted to ask him what he had done to Sera but I held my tongue. He was powerful, maybe more than Sera. Arion, Peter and even Maria were scared of him. I couldn't imagine fierce Maria being scared of anything.

Let me unravel him first, everything else will follow.

I was amazed at my intuition. The day I met him, I'd somehow known he was the one I was looking for.

He was dressed casually in a simple black shirt and light blue jeans. His hair was tousled like he'd just gotten out of bed, I doubt he ever bothered to style it. He was handsome, but he made my blood run cold.

"Cat got your tongue?" He asked, smiling, dimples flashing. His eerie green eyes met mine and I felt a shiver down my spine.

"Why are you here?" I asked. He didn't seem to be in a bad mood at all. It was like today morning never happened.

"I came here to deliver these," He said, slapping his hand over the pile of papers. "From Gabriel. Apparently you are helping him locate the second skeleton?"

"I don't know if I'll be of much help," I said. "Did Gabriel leave?"

"About an hour ago," He said. He waited for me to say something. I didn't. I was terrified of this man.

"Come closer. Dont worry, I don't bite."

Won't you?

"Where's your dog?"

"Fast asleep in my room."

I stepped closer to him anyway, hoping and praying Arion changed his mind and was looking for me. My gaze involuntarily darted towards the door.

Please show up.

"He won't come here," Rhys said.


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