Chapter 13: Gabriel LeConte

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A/n, before you start reading, I have a small request for my family of readers.

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As a reader, if you could vote on the chapters you've liked, it would help me immensely. It would help new readers find this story.

Now without further ado...



This time Rhys was a gentleman. He welcomed us, shaking Arion, Peter and Maria's hand and giving me a kiss on mine that made Arion stiffen. All three of them were afraid of him and that was clear.

He led us inside the house. The door opened into a large ornate room alit in golden lighting. The floor had wooden tiling, two large staircases led to two different wings of the castle. The ceiling which towered over three stories, was painted with faded frescoes depicting gods and warriors. At the center of it hung a beautiful crystal and silver chandelier shaped like an aster, each petal crafted to evoke the memory of a stags antlers. All the furnishings, the frames, the decor was gilt in silver. In the moonlight streaming in through the door and the windows, this place felt otherworldly, like the house of Selene, Goddess of the Moon.

"Wow," Maria said. I nodded. It was indeed, wow.

The crystals in the chandelier reflected light so beautifully, you felt you were standing in the middle of a drizzle of glitter. The entire room smelled of lavender.

"Harvested on the castle grounds," Rhys said beside me.

I jumped at his sudden proximity.


"The lavender you smell," He added as if it were obvious. Had I spoken out loud? I would have to be more careful in the future.

He smiled at me as if he understood.

He led us up to the east wing to our rooms. Maria and Peter were given the one closest to the stairs, we were given the one farthest. We passed through a kaleidoscope of rooms and I'm pretty sure I would have a hard time navigating without Arion.

"For privacy," Rhys said with a smile.

A muscle twitched under Arion's eye but he said nothing. The bedroom was just as beautiful as the rest of the castle. The four poster bed was big enough for a good night's sleep or a good night's fuck. I plopped my luggage down and sat on the bed.

"Aren't you brushing?" Arion asked.

I shook my head. Too tired.

Of course, there was only one bed. Arion was gearing up for a night on the couch until I swore upon my honor as a lady that he would wake up unmolested.

He was tired too, I wanted him to sleep comfortably, and the bed was big enough that no intimacy would be forced on us. So he stuck to his corner and I stuck to mine. I wanted to reach out and touch him, just to reassure myself that I wasn't alone but never did.


The next morning I woke up early despite my fatigue. My head ached from lack of sleep and God knows what else. Today was the day I would meet Gabriel LeConte. Today of all days, I should have been well rested and alert.

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