Wife's husband

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I slipped into a cozy sitting room. There, I sat down to read in a window swat. But I was not safe for long. Keos flung open the door. He did not see me behind the window curtains.

‘’Keshen! Keame!” He called to his sisters.
‘’Kezhaela is not here! Tell Mama!”

Keshen was smarter than her brother.
‘’Kezhaela is in the window seat,” she said.

I came out from the curtains at once, afraid of being dragged out by Keos.  ‘’What do you want?” I asked him.

‘’Say ’What do you want, Master Hedth?’ ” was his answer.

‘’I want to know what you are doing.”

Keos  was large and fat for a fourteen-year-old boy. He did not like his mother or sisters. But he liked to bully me.
‘’I was reading.” I showed him the book.

‘’You have no right to take our books,” Keos said.
He snatched the book away.

‘’You have no money. You should go and beg, not live with rich folks like us. I'll teach you not to touch my books. For they are mine—everything in this house will belong to me someday.”

He angrily threw the heavy book at me. I fell against the door, cutting my head.

‘’You are a wicked and cruel boy!” I cried. I got up and tried to fight back. I could feel blood trickling down my neck from the cut on my head.

Aunt Keavah and the servant's came rushing in.
‘’Ungrateful girl!”  my aunt said. “Lock her up
in  the dark room!”

My aunt's maid, Kevi, took me upstairs to the cold dark room. ‘’You have a duty to Mrs. Keavah, Miss,” Kevi said to me gently. ‘’If not for her, you would go to the poorhouse. Try to be useful and pleasant. Otherwise, Mrs. Keavah will send you away, I'm sure.” She left me there, sad and lonely. It was the same room where my uncle died, nine years ago. This was not news to me. I had heard  it many times and been experiencing though. Life is cruel that’s what I’ve known from the very beginning. They are my  family but they treat me like a trash.

I was wondering if when will I able to get out of this miserable life; knowing that i’m locked here! I was thinking to escape when someone knocked on my door and didn’t bothered to wait for me to open it, the person was no other than but Keame.

‘’If you don’t want to locked here forever then choose to stay away to this family. You better go now, Kezhaela.. before mom  knew that I’m  helping you,”

‘’but why? Aunt will hurt you for helping me!”

‘’Don’t ask me just get your ass out of here!” She blurted as if she’s going to change her mind for helping me. I stood up from the bed and went out of that dark room.

I was about to glance at her when we heard someone approaching the room. I even heard Keame cursed, after a few moments the house became silent and that’s the time when I decided to get out of myself in my own house.

In a long road where was the rain unstoppable, I couldn’t help but crying with so much pain and happiness. Pain  because I have to leave in my parents house where their love story has begin and happiness for my freedom that no one humiliating me, criticising me and hurting me physically. I continue walking across the street but some horn of the car caught my attention and the only thing I knew that I was lay down on the ground, hurted physically until  everything went black. 

I woke up with unfamiliar scent and veiws. Everything is perfect not until someone entered in that room, I embraced myself when feared consumed. He was walking like he’s the most dangerous guy that i’ve ever meet.

‘’You’re homeless girl,” he stated and stared at me for a while. I was confused and I even felt that my cheeks is now getting red by his stares! He’s familiar yet unfamiliar.. strange!

‘’And because you’re stupid to throw your life in the middle of the road I choose to take you here with me,” he continued.

‘’And for clarification, you’ll be my wife,”

After saying those he walk away and I was like what was going on? I am what? His wife?! How come?

As the days goes by, I lived with him. The only thing I knew that I’m glad that he take me to his villa. We didn’t often talking but I often glancing at him from a far. I was wondering what’s his name. I even have a chance to be friend with his maids, Keaki, Kechin, Keybo, Keoly, Kekleo and also the guard including Kehry and Kelee.
I already memorize their names and sadly, I don’t know his..

I’m about to went upstairs when i heard some unfamiliar voices. As I went near to the window, I saw him talking with  a woman who’s actually rich in perfect figure. She’s sexy with her outfit. I didn’t mean to eavesdropping but I heard everything.

‘’No, Keake! I won’t let you live with someone else! I am going to kill your so called lovely wife!”

My heart was pounding. Beating too fast that I can’t deny that I like him! Oh my god! I don’t know that I can love him too early.

‘’You can’t do that, Kemantha, try touching her or you’ll dìe,” He said in a matter of fact. He is dangerous man but why my heart wants to hear his words?

‘’You’re threatening me huh? I’m not scared of you, Dump!” Kemantha said and walk away on him. As I continue peeking them, I just realize that Kemantha was now walking towards my direction?! I curse in my own stupidity! She caught me up. When I turn my gaze on the window there was no Keake presence.

‘’Oh, they are right. My ex-boyfriend  has his mistress and was planing to have a gorgeous wife,”

Kemantha sarcastically said. I don’t exactly know what is my role in this house. I can’t talk  her back because i’m out of the picture though.  But what’s more shocking when she said those words that almost break my heart..

‘’Oh, let me rephrase my words, Keake’s wife is already return to her mansion, Did your memories came back now honey?”

‘’W-What are you saying?”

But before she could answer me, she took her gùn from her purse. I stilled in feared and something flashes on my mind. The scenario when was me and Keake was in the church, telling our vows infront of our family, guest, the priest and lastly the god who let me have Keake in my life.

A tears came out from my eyes. I can’t believe this that Keaki is really my husband and I was stupid not to know that. I forgot that Kemantha was infront of my gaze as I walked about three step, she pointed out the gùn in my forehead causing me to squealed.

‘’It is a mistake that I didn’t let you die after hitting you! And now that i was supposed to be Keake’s wife you return here effortless! How dare you!”

She blurted that she even slapped me using her gùn. I’m almost falling on the floor when someone arms pulled me and the scent of his makes my heart happier. Oh my Keake!
I hugged him tightly.

‘’Are you okay baby?” Keake asked with so much worried.

I nodded at him. Keake was about uttering words when I saw Kemantha pointing the gùn to herself.

‘’No! Don’t do that!” I yelled at her.

‘’I won’t sorry for what I did to your love story. But I can’t let you have Keake in your entire life!”

In one seconds, Keake’s die in my arms.
Even, Kemantha.

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