Chapter 12: Finally -- End

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*King's POV*

It took yet another week for Arthur to finally wake up. Although our mission was over, the Sins stayed together to wait for him to wake up and for Merlin to calm down.

Arthur had woken up weak and confused. Even after waiting 2 weeks, I had to wait a few more days before he could pull the sword out.

Seeing Arthur in Helbram's body was shocking. The body of the fairy I'm in love with is filled with the soul of a young boy. Honestly, it was kind of creepy.

After the waiting period, Diane and I watched as Arthur pulled the sword out with ease. He truly is chosen by the goddess race.

Elizabeth and I surrounded Arthur's body and began using both of our powers to heal. Her Druid powers did most of the work though. We were able to heal his body enough for survival, but there's still a big scar where the sword was.

With a swish and a flick of Merlin's hand, Arthur was put back into his normal body. She had almost forgotten about Helbram and left for Camelot with Arthur until Diane and I yelled out for her.

Before she put Helbram back into his body, I asked her why she was keeping Helbram from me. She sighed.

"I knew you loved him," she told me. "And romance just makes me so depressed."

"Why is that? And how did you know I loved him?"

"I could see the way you looked at him during our fight with the Holy Knights. You never looked at Diane that way, even though you always talk about how much you love her."

"And what about the romance thing?"

She sighed again. "I'm in love with Meliodas. I have been since I met him so many years ago. And no man has ever loved me, until Escanor. But now, now he's dead." As stupid as it sounds, I can understand where Merlin is coming from. I can't forgive her for keeping Helbram from me, but still, I feel bad.

"Merlin, listen. What you did to Helbram was unforgivable. I really wish you told me you had gotten Helbram back. But I hope you the best when it comes to your love life. You'll find another man, I'm certain of it." She looks at me and begins to cry. I've never known Merlin to be this emotional. I'm not sure what else to say, so I gently ask her to return Helbram to his body.

* * *

"Hey, Helbram, how would you like to go on a date?" Helbram looks at me, his face all red. I reached into my closet and took the pair of suits I made before he was transferred back into the helmet. I had to alter mine since I've grown taller after my transformation.

"I'd love that." He responds. I grab his hand and fly with him towards an empty spot in the nearby forest with no trees for a few hundred square feet. A short time after the Holy War ended, I planted as many flowers that could fit and that I could afford. Helbram's favorite thing is a flower field.

I watch him as he looks at each and every flower, telling me which one he finds the prettiest before quickly changing his mind after seeing another one. After each 'prettiest' flower he finds, he tells me they'll never be prettier than me. Still, I could never get sick of it.

After a few hours, the sun had begun to set, creating a beautiful sunset with an assortment of colors. I pull a small box out of my pocket while Helbram makes a bouquet out of his favorite flowers. He tries to hide it, although it's possibly the biggest bouquet I've ever seen.

                        *Helbram's POV*

My hands are killing me from holding all these flowers. It's for Harlequin and I think I've been hiding it pretty well for such a massive bouquet. I've had to transform into my human form to be able to hide the last few flowers I added.

I turn around to hand it to him, but I see the most shocking thing: Harlequin's feet touching the ground. Not only that, but he's getting down on one knee. This is strange. Is this a thing he picked up from humans?

"Helbram," he begins. "I've known you and loved you for as long as I could remember. I've only dreamed of the day I'd get to do this and never imagined I would be able to." He stops and takes a deep breath. He takes a small box out of his pocket and opens it to reveal a ring. "Will you marry me?" I look at him in confusion.

"What is that?" I ask him. He looks at me and realizes his mistake.

"Sorry, I should've explained," he says, laughing. "Marriage is something humans do when they love each other very much and decide they want to spend the rest of their lives together."

My heart feels like it just exploded with happiness. I drop my flowers and knock over Harlequin in a hug. I don't think the number of times I said the word 'yes' in the past can add up to the number of times I'm saying it right now.

I've never felt happier.

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