Chapter 7: Attack

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                                *King's POV*

This time Diane knocks on my window, telling me to get up and that there's a problem.

I reach the bottom of the stairs to see a strange old man outside the perfect cube Merlin made around Captain and Elizabeth. He's crying out Captain's name in excitement, over and over, calling him 'Master'. I can feel the fear of my fellow sins fill the room. I turn around to see Escanor, who's unconscious laying in bed, reverted into his weak form. Confused, I look outside and see that we are surrounded by darkness.

The old man pushes his face against the cube and threatens Elizabeth, telling her he'll kill her for stealing his 'Master'. He hits his staff against the cube and it shatters. Merlin tries to attack from behind, but he counters her move, just as Captain would, and somehow turns her into a child. I watch in shock as he teases her, distracted as Diane sticks her arm inside the tavern and takes out Captain and Elizabeth. Just as she pulls them out, the old man appears behind her. I escape from the hole in the wall to watch him in the sky as he examines Gowther, Diane, and me. Gowther says the old man's name is Chandler and that he taught Captain how to fight.

He asks us to hand over Captain and Elizabeth, and turns Diane microscopic when she says no. I watch from a distance, trying to figure out how we can defeat such a powerful foe, but my mind just can't think straight. Why did this have to happen now of all times?

Chandler begins to chant a spell, beginning an attack on the land around us. Hawk's mom runs as quick as she can, but we can't escape the large explosions on the surrounding land. With no other option, we stop as Gowther and I plan a combination move. We take him down, but are confronted with an army of flying demons.

I summon my 'Increase' against them and just as its about to strike, Gowther yells at me to back off, but it's too late. Chandler counters my move and I fall to the ground with Diane on my shoulder, my armor broken.

Chandler places a spell on Gowther, keeping him from attacking him.  Although still small, with both me and Gowther weak, Diane is the only one left to protect Captain and Elizabeth. Just as Chandler is about to attack her with heat, Ban grabs Diane, Elizabeth, Captain, and me as well.

This begins our true battle with Chandler as the Seven Deadly Sins, but I guess there's only 3 of us that can fight right now. I use as much power as I can, pushing myself by using the true power of Chastiefol. After losing Helbram, I refuse to lose any more of my friends. But this power is too much and I'm exhausted.

I watch Gowther defy the spell and attack Chandler. Right before I pass out from exhaustion, I deal the finishing blow on Chandler, leaving a large hole in his stomach.

A few hours later, I wake up in my hammock to see some familiar lime green hair out of the corner of my eye.

Authors note: I'm not sure if u guys get notified if I make an edit on this but I keep realizing I messed up some parts while I write chapter 8 and watch the episode this was based off of 😵‍💫 sorry if I confuse you guys. If something sounds out of place next chapter it's probably because I edited this one

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