Chapter 8: Saved

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Also no this art is not mine so creds to whoever made it!
                       *Helbram's POV*
                   *During Chapter 7*

I wake up on the windowsill, my memory foggy of what happened. I think Merlin might've drugged me to make me sleep. What a dangerous woman.

I scream out for help, but no one comes. It's the middle of a Holy War, so I'm not too surprised. The Sins are busy fighting. Still, I thought at least one person could hear it.

I look around Merlin's room, trying to find something sharp to cut the ropes around my wrists and ankles. Luckily, my wrists are tied in front of me rather than behind. Seems Merlin didn't quite think all this through.

The table in the center has tons of sharp, scary items on it. I hop off the window sill and manage to jump over to a broken shard of glass. I rub the rope against it, chipping away at the thread. With my wrists free, I'm able to grab the glass shard and cut the rope around my ankles. Okay, now what? I'm stuck in a room filled with dangerous trinkets when outside there's a Holy War going on. I scream out for help yet again and this time I get an answer.

Elaine bursts through the door. "Is everything okay in here?" She cries. She sees me and her eyes begin to tear. "Helbram!" She quickly flies over and hugs me. "Oh I'm so happy you're alive! Brother has been so upset..."

"Where's Harlequin?" I ask her, grabbing her shoulders.

"He's out fighting Meliodas' teacher." I look outside Merlin's window to see his Chastieful in its Increase form, raining down on a fat old man. Harlequin looks weak, like he's about to fall. I try to fly out but Elaine stops me.

"You can't go out now!" She tells me. "You just came back, you'll quickly die to Chandler if you leave! Let Brother and Ban handle this. You can reunite with him later." I look back out the window, my hands gripping my palms. She's right, I'm not strong enough to defeat a demon. I don't even have my sword. I have no choice but to stay here.

Elaine takes me to her room as I tell her what happened. She gives me one of Harlequin's sweatshirts and pants to wear as we wait for the battle to end, since Merlin just left me in a small cloth bag. Elaine reassures me that we'll deal with Merlin after the battle.

I continue to watch Harlequin out the window. I feel my heart rate increase every time he's hit with an attack. I tell myself if he survives this battle, I'll tell him how I really feel.

I watch as he deals the finishing blow and then passes out in the dirt. I can't stay here anymore. I open the window and fly out while Elaine cries out behind me. But I'm not flying back, I can't leave him there.

I kneel on the dirt next to him and take him in my arms. I wipe some blood off his face while everyone there stands and watches in confusion. Suddenly, the pig screams, saying that the old man is floating.

I turn to see him rise up into the sky and transform into a purple demon with wings. Ban, Gowther, and Diane tremble in fear.

"Everyone, watch out!" Shouts a voice behind us. I turn around yet again to see Gloxinia and Drole behind us. "You're all too exhausted to fight him in this form. Leave this to us." The three sins and I nod, and leave for the Boar's hat, but Gloxinia calls out to me.

"Keep the Fairy King safe, alright?" He tells me. "And, tell him you like him already. You almost died without even telling him."

"You know about that?" I ask.

"Whatever," he says. "Just go to safety and let Drole and I fight Chandler."

"But you could die!" I shout at him.

"We know that. We're taking that risk. We must keep the Giant Queen and the Fairy King safe. Now go!"

I fly away with Harlequin and his Chastiefol in my arms, grasping him tight to my chest. He's heavy but I can't let go now, not when he could die. I fly back through Elaine's open window and leave her room. I search for Harlequin's room and once I find it, I place him in his hammock, aside his Chastiefol in pillow form.

I float beside him, waiting for him to wake up, tears falling from my eyes. Please, Harlequin. Wake up.

                                       * * *

A few hours later, I hear the news that Gloxinia and Drole were killed fighting Chandler. Even though they weren't able to stop him, their sacrifices saved them. I grab Harlequin's hand tight and tell him even though they're gone, I'm here, and I'll always keep him safe.

As I finish whispering that to him, he slowly opens his eyes.

"Helbram..." he mumbles. His eyes widen. "Helbram!" He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me into a hug. I push back from him and look into his amber eyes. I can't hold back anymore. He probably doesn't even like me back but I can't ignore my feelings. I close my eyes and kiss him.

I'm fixing it ~ {helbram x king} (seven deadly sins)Where stories live. Discover now