Chapter 11: Waiting

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*King's POV*

It's been about a week since the body switch, a really long week. So far, Arthur's shown no signs of waking up. I've called Escanor to try and pull out Excalibur, but he wasn't able to move it even an inch. So I continue to leave my Pollen Garden around the room.

To begin with, it turns out that after our battle with Chandler, Captain disbanded the Sins and flew off with Elizabeth. However, Elizabeth managed to escape the demons and just got back to us right before Arthur stabbed himself. With her Druid powers, we may be able to heal Arthur's body. But still, the sword must be removed.

Not only that, but Ban had left us to go to Purgatory. Plus, Gowther is broken after attacking Chandler, and Escanor is growing weaker. There were only three of us that can fight using our true potential for our first few battles

Just after Elizabeth came back, we met up with the Archangels and Holy Knights in Liones. We had come up with a plan to defeat the demons and win the war, but honestly, that's the least of my concerns.

I spent the beginning of the week either talking to Helbram in my room or fighting with Diane, Escanor, and Merlin. We'd talk about our life after the Holy War. He'd ask me about any updates on Arthur, but I'd never have an answer. Merlin's been cooped up in her room whenever we weren't fighting, except when she came over to return the suit I had made. I put it in my closet next to my matching one. Looking at the emptiness in my closet, I've decided to make Helbram and me more clothes. I've made a few pairs so far.

Sometimes Diane will check on how I'm doing. She promised me she'll help me heal Arthur's body as much as she can. Other times she'll just come into my room to sit next to me and cuddle. She knows I can't be with her, but she likes to sit with me anyway. She'll ask me about Helbram and how I knew I loved him, but not in a patronizing way. She just likes listening to romance stories. She told me she might ask out Howzer after the war since he's the only man she knows who likes her.

Once Helbram asked me if I felt upset about what we did to Diane. Obviously, I said yes, but that doesn't change my feelings. Occasionally I'll fly past her room and hear her crying. I can never really tell what she's crying over specifically, but I suspect it's because of me. I don't know how to comfort her.

Elaine found out about Helbram and me a few days ago. She told me she was proud, but she wishes I had come out at a better time. It's not like I decided when I was going to come out, but I do agree with her, the timing definitely could've been better.

Okay, going back to the war. By the time we had begun fighting lower-level demons with the Holy Knights, Gowther was fixed by Merlin. Many of the Ten Commandments had died trying to escape Estarossa's wrath. Besides Zeldris, the only one that wasn't killed or rendered powerless was Derieri. She joined our efforts to help defeat Estarossa, but she ended up being killed, along with Tarmiel and Sariel, as well as Oslo.

Estarossa put the Curse of Silence on me and Diane just before destroying the floating island we were on. Falling from the sky unable to fly, I thought about my life. I could hear Diane calling to me as Elizabeth kept her from falling to the battleground where all the knights were. Just in the nick of time, I escaped the curse and transformed. My wings had grown and I became much more powerful. Helbram bullied me for my hair after the battle, yet told me my looks went from cute to handsome. In return, I made fun of him for his wings being smaller than mine.

Then, Meliodas awoke. But it wasn't actually Meliodas, it was the Demon King in an older version of Meliodas' body. The battle to get our captain back to us was long and straining, but successful. Ban had come back from Purgatory to help us fight while Meliodas' emotions stayed to fight the Demon King. After the battle, Ban gave up his immortality to truly bring my sister back to life. Not long after, Meliodas destroyed the curses placed on him and Elizabeth. Actually, that happened twice. I don't know why it didn't work the first time, but Elizabeth was almost crushed by a falling rock.

Just as we had to fight the Demon King in Meliodas' body, we had to fight him in Zeldris' body, and in the land of Britannia. After we had won, Escanor's body became far too weak for his power and he died. Merlin gave him a kiss before he died though since he was the one man that fell for her. A scar was left on her bottom lip.

The Holy War has ended, yet still, I remain waiting for Arthur to wake.

Author's note: I'm very sorry if the timing in this chapter seems distorted and weird. Honestly, I think this story's timing was already weird since Elizabeth was already dying when it started 💀Her 4-day countdown is messing with me. Anyway, I tried to fix it as best I could while going to Netflix and the wiki about a million times. Still, I hope you enjoy!

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