Chapter 9: Reunited

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                               *King's POV*

Helbram is kissing me. Helbram. Kissing. Wait.

He loves me back?


He's alive??

Helbram lifts out of the kiss. His face is red and covered in his tears. "I'm sorry!" He cries, his tears dripping onto my face. "I know you don't love me back, I know you love Diane but I couldn't help it!" He wipes his tears, but they continue to fall. "I'm sorry! I'm-" he cries out again, but this time I interrupt him by pulling him into another kiss. His lips feel like velvet and fireworks go off in my mind. A kiss has never felt this... meant to be. I close my eyes and caress his left cheek softly, wiping away each tear. He lifts himself up again. I begin to cry too.

"I'm so glad you're alive," I say. "And I do love you. Of course I do. I always have. Diane could never compare to you. And now I can finally kiss you." He looks at me with sparkling eyes.

"You... you really like me back?" he asks, smiling. We're both sobbing in each other's arms now. I could never have imagined this would happen. I just believed I would need to settle for Diane. But now he's physically here.

I smile at him. "How is this possible?" I ask him, still crying my happy tears. Suddenly his smile fades.

"It was Merlin," He tells me. "I'm not really sure how, but she gave me a body. She tied me up in her room."

"Merlin??" I shout, angry. "She told me you were gone! That she lost you in the helmet!" He turns away from me. I sigh. "Still, I'm glad you're with me again. I couldn't think straight without you." He laughs and turns back to face me.

"Anyway, do you have any extra clothes? Yours are a bit too small for me, shorty." Seems he's back to his old self again. I look at his clothes and I realize he actually is wearing my sweatshirt. He must've got it from Elaine. I fly out of my hammock as he gets up to stand on the ground. I search through my closet, but everything is my size.

"How about I make you some clothes instead?" I say. He smiles at me and nods. I grab my measuring tape and get to work.

* * *

An hour or so passes. Finally, I finished Helbram's new outfit, plus an outfit for me as well. I wake up Helbram from his nap to show him. I give him a tailcoat jacket with a pair of black pants, a white undershirt, as well as a green bowtie that matches his hair. He grabs it in excitement.

"I've never seen you in a suit before and I figured you'd look pretty handsome in one," I tell him. He smirks at me, his face saying: 'Of course'.  I lift up my outfit, which is a matching tuxedo suit but with a teal tie. "And I thought we should match too. Let's get changed, shall we?" I turn around to put on my suit as he does the same. 

I turn around when I'm done and see Helbram staring at me. "You're so cute in a suit," he tells me. I feel my face turn red and I cover it with my hands. 

"And you're so handsome," I mumble. I take a peek at him through my fingers and he's smiling at me again. I fly over and kiss him again. "If I knew you liked me back, I would've told you my feelings so much sooner," I pull him into a hug. "I hope life stays this way forever." I push my lips up against his again.

Suddenly I hear a banging on my door. It's Diane.

"King!" she cries. "We need you!" I don't answer. Maybe she'll think I'm asleep. Besides, I don't want to leave this moment. "We need you now, King!" she says, opening the door. "It's Arthur! He's-" She freezes as soon as she sees me holding Helbram in my arms, kissing him. Oh no. I turn to watch as her expression changes from fear to shock, her eyes filling with tears. "King..." she lets out, not able to say anything else. 

She changes her view from us to the floor and runs away. I try to call out for her but it's hopeless. The damage has already been done.

I'm fixing it ~ {helbram x king} (seven deadly sins)Where stories live. Discover now