Chapter 14: The Final Battle

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We soon landed with us running into the others.

Rebel: Welcome back, so this be Zeena

Y/N: Yep.

Sally: I'm surprised you were able to get her to join us after what she and her group do.

Y/N: I have a way with words.

Zeena: Can someone explain why there are multiple versions of other people here?

Nine: To put it simply it's a multiverse.

Tails: I'm surprised you didn't say anything when you saw Nine?

Zeena: I just thought you had a twin brother.

Tails: Sadly I am an only child even though Y/N is kinda like my brother.

Y/N: Back at you buddy.

They soon went inside with everyone armed with weapons, the anicents ready along with Eggmans robots along with some mech's for people to pilots along with the gun agents ready.

Y/N: Everyone ready Sally?

Sally: Everyone is ready Nicole has strengthened the firewall so our mech's or robots won't turn on us.

Y/N: Good don't want to deal with two armies at once.

Sally: Agreed, you know it's been a long time since we did anything like this.

Y/N: Does bring back memories of those old days.

Sally: Agreed, a part of me kinda misses it.

Y/N: You know if you really miss those times when used to work together to save the world, your always welcome to tag along.

Sally: Thanks I could use some time to get out of the castle.

I smiled at Sally with Sage appearing with Rusty.

Y/N: Sage, Rusty what's up with you guys.

Sage: We have ran the numbers of our chances of success.

Sally: What do you have?

Rusty: It's complicated the numbers say that we will win while the other half says that Mr. Doctor Eggman will win.

Y/N: It's not about numbers Rusty it never was.

I grabbed a box and stood on top of it with me getting everyone attention.

Y/N: This isn't about numbers, it's about why are here and what we are fighting for and what we have lost along the way. Some of you have lost your homes some of you have lost the things that are most important to you, some of us have even lost the ones we love. Now it is time to avenge those we have lost.

Rebel them stood next to me.

Rebel: We all have lost things that are most important for us now it is time to take back what is ours today the chaos council falls.

She then looked at me and nodded with me doing the same.

Y/N: Nicole where is Mr. Doctor Eggman location.

Nicole: He is located at Green Hill with him building his empire there.

Y/N: Them we attack there. Prepare yourselves

They all nodded with everyone following me to the doctor's empire.


We made it there with me stepping forward.

Y/N: Hey, Mr. Doctor Eggman is me the boy who's been tearing apart your little chaos council, come on out.

Soon a screen appeared with him projecting himself on it.

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