The team got on the jet, Celeste and Morgan letting themself fall on the couch.

"That was..."

"Exhausting" Celeste let out. everyone let out a hum in agreement as they all took there seat. Hotch was the last one to get on the jet, Everyone watched as he let out a big exhale like he was holding it in this whole case. Celeste watched as he took his jacket off and then undid his tie.

"Woah! Hotch you good?" Morgan asked as everyone watched him.

"Yeah, im just done, it's been a long three days" he let out as he threw his tie on the table and undid the two buttons before sitting at the table. He looked at Celeste who was looking at him with a little smile.

"What?" he asked giving her a tight lip smile.

"I was hoping you were going to continue stripping"

"WOMAN!!!" Morgan let out beside her, Celeste let out a belly laugh at Derek's reaction making the rest of the team laugh.

Landing five hours later, it was the middle of the night and everyone was dragging as they got out off the jet and made there way to there cars.

"Guys, don't worry about coming in early, sleep in see you all around noon" Hotch let out, Morgan, Prentiss and Celeste let out a "yes" in unison. Celeste and Aaron walked to Celeste's SUV and silently put there stuff in the backseat and got in. Aaron got in the driver seat and looked at Celeste.

"I told Jess to keep Jack, will pick him up tomorrow after work" Celeste gave him a nod.

"Let's go home" he then said as he started the SUV and drove off.

Light creeped into the room making Celeste stir around  and pulling the blankets over her head, slowly she felt the bed move and gently Aaron's hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards his chest and he kissed her shoulder and the shell of her ear.

"I have to admit your the cutess blanket hogg monster I have ever seen" he whispered, Celeste let out a hum as Aaron's hands drifted down her body. Celeste quickly swatted his hand and sat up in bed.

"Nope" she let out, Aaron turned on his back and let out a deep breath.

"Woman your killing me" he let out as he rubbed his eyes, Celeste let out a chuckle.

"Yeah well My uterus is still angry so use your hand" she let out as she made her way to the bathroom, Aaron let out a grunt as she dispeared in the other room. moments later Celeste's phone started vibrating.

"C, Your phone is going off" Aaron let out as he stayed laying on his back, Celeste came rushing out.

"Something wrong with you?" she let out as she looked at him, Aaron gave her a amusing smile.

"Hey" she let out as she answered her phone, Celeste looked at Aaron who got out of bed.

"Yeah, we got in this morning. what's up?" she said as she made her way to the walking closet.

"Hold that thought for a second" Celeste said as she put the call on speaker and put the phone on the island that was in the middle of the closet.

"Your on speaker, were getting ready to go in to work" Celeste said as she walked around the space, Aaron walked in.

"Hi Aaron!" the voice said on the phone, Aaron knew to well Gabrielle's voice.

"Hi Gab" he let out.

"Anyways, as I was saying mom is requesting us to go up in a couple of weeks"

"Gab I don't know where were going to be in a couple of weeks"

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