The Red Crystal

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It was about 8 am. I woke up on a warm chest. I was on Robin's chest on the couch. I leaned up blushing. Everyone was asleep. I stood up. Taylor was leaning on Ivy, Nicki on Aidan, Breanna alone on the end of the couch. Klarion was sleeping alone on the chair. I went and had a shower.

2 Hours Later
I was all ready. I went downstairs again.  No one was awake still.

Suddenly I saw a bright pink flash. There stood another capsule. The riddle inside had the riddle that said Aztecs with the sacrifices. This place is warm for North America. To find the Next crystal learn your history. Hola! I knew where it was. I was going to Mexico!

I was walking out the door in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. There was a whiney voice that called out to me.

Robin- Where are you going?
Me- Mexico. You coming?
Robin- Sure.

He walks up to me. I remembered when I was asleep on his chest. I blushed just thinking about it. We got on the Hover- Jet.

When we got to Mexico we had to travel to a Aztec pyramid . On the top of the pyramid was the Red Crystal.  I ran up and got the crystal. Robin broke it with an explosion device located in his tool belt. There stood a boy, taller than me with short brown hair and glasses. He wore black pants and the same red sweater as he always does. It was Logan.
Me- Logan? Is that you?
Logan- Yup. Good to see you Allison.
Robin- Allison?
Me- Yah that's my first name. Ally is my nick name. By the way don't call me that either of you.
Logan- Fine. So one of the last people on earth is You and Robin and?
Me - Well there is, Ivy, Taylor, Aidan, Klarion, Breanna, and Nicki.
Logan- Ahh? Who is Klarion?
Me- The boy that split the world in two.
Logan- Ohhh.

Is eyes started glowing. Soon the pyramids and Robin were moving by force. I realized what power he had.

Me- Logan you have the power of Telekinesis.
Logan- I do?!
Me- Yah, here where this red ring. It will alow you to control your powers.
Logan- Great!
Robin- Let's go back now.
Logan- Okay, so do you guys live together?
Me- Yah, I have lots of room at my place. Would you like to stay there as well?
Logan- Sure.

We traveled back to my place in a flash. When we got there it wasn't surprising to see everyone still asleep. I showed Logan to his room. Then I blasted a blow horn at my sleeping friends. They all woke up with a jump. Robin, Logan and I all started laughing.

Ivy- Logan?!
Logan- Yup.
Aidan- Finally another boy!
Me- Yah, I'm glad. The more the merrier!
Klarion- I guess.
Taylor- What's wrong?
Klarion- Don't you think it's getting kinda crowded in here.

I pressed a button and another living room more larger than the other one showed up behind a wall.

Me- This house is larger, way larger than it appears.
Aidan- Whoa!
Ivy- Cool.

For a few hours of the day we did was talked. Until I went for a walk with Klarion. He made me laugh and smile. Teekl joined us as well. It was fun. He was fun. We all enjoyed the rest of the day.

The End Of the WorldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz