The Dream Demon part 2

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Ivy's POV
Ally fell. She is floating in mid air healing herself. I think she is aware of what is happening. I start to try to freeze Amelia. She is powerful. Every time we hit her she heals almost instantaneous.

Ally's POV
I'm now healed and ready to fight. I start to sneak up behind the Demon.

Voice- Here you are leader. ( A stone drops out of the sky in my hand)
Me- What is it? And who are you?
Voice- I am the rainbow crystal. And this stone will alow you to trap the dream demon. This will let you be victorious.
Me- Thank you!
Voice- Be safe, Leader of the people.

I walk towards the Demon. She blasted Klarion. And Taylor.
Me- NOO!

Amelia turns around.

Amelia- Ready to accept my deal.

She holds out a flaming hand. I then realized how to get her trapped. I smile.

Me- Fine! Leave us afterwards.

I shake her hand. She starts evily laughing, my friends stare in shock. An evil smile is put on my face as I stare at her.

Amelia- I - I feel weird. What happened?! What did you do to me?!!
Me- You are now trapped in the stone. Good luck. You are going to need it, Where you're going.
Amelia- The stone! How did you get the stone! It was lost for an eterni...

Before she could finish she was sucked into the stone. I ran to Taylor and Klarion who were both unconscious. They started turning into sparkles. Same with everyone including me. We all open our eyes. Everyone is leaning on each other. Taylor and Robin were leaning on each other, Ivy and Aidan were leaning on each other. And Klarion and I were leaning on each other. Everyone blushed when they realized what was going on. I giggled. It was kind of adorable to see everyone turn a shade of pink. We all started to do our separate things. Klarion and I were making breakfast, Robin was teaching Ivy combat fighting and Taylor and Aidan were Arguing. When Klarion and I were finished we called everyone to eat. We started having fun and laughing. It was a good day.

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