The Pink Crystal

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The next day, There was a explosion in the front of my house. I ran out. It was a small metal capsule. I brought it inside. The two boys were sleeping still. I didn't want to wake them up. I opened the capsule in side was a riddle.

Cherry Blossoms and anime represent where the next crystal is hiding. Find it with clue. Kanichwa!

I knew the answer it was Japan. I ran up stairs to wake up the boys. When I ran into the room they were staying in. I sat on the bed with Klarion in it. I took my hand and shook his chest and said Wake up. He groaned and turned the other way. I took both my hands and shook him so much he finally woke up. He looked so sleepy, it was cute.

Klarion- What do you want?!
Me- We have to go to Japan.
Klarion - Why?
Me- I'll tell you after I wake up Robin.

I go to Robin's bed and shake him with one hand. He throws a pillow at my head. I duck. Then I start shaking him rapidly. He wakes up.

Robin- WHAT?!
Me- Well we are going to Japan.
Robin- Why?
Me- Because, a message came in and the first person in a crystal is in Japan.
Klarion- That's why you woke us up.
Me- Yah, get ready and meet me down stairs. I'll cook breakfast and we can go.

I rubbed both of the top of their heads and smiled. They got out of bed as I walked out. I started putting on breakfast. We were having, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast.

30 minutes later
We were all set. We headed toward the outside. Where I pulled out my hover - jet out of my Bracelet (Aiden, shut the hell up no one cares stop being such a complainer. PS this is for a friend of mine who complains alright.) and we started flying to Japan. When we got there. I noticed the gem in the middle of a park. I walked over to it.

Crystal- You have found the first crystal. Now destroy her.
Me- What?!
Klarion- Okay.

He blasted it. And when the crystal broke a girl my age appeared. She had long, dirty blonde hair. Blue, adorable eyes and was smiling. I knew who it was immediately.

Me- Taylor!
Taylor- Hey yo! Ally it's so good to see you. I'm glad you didn't die. Who are your friends?
Robin- I'm Robin and that's Klarion.
Taylor- Your, THE Robin! Oh My God. I can't believe it.
Me- You can tell she is a big fan.
Taylor- You! Aren't you the guy who split the world into two?! (Pointing at Klarion)

Before he could respond. Klarion started to float. As soon as Taylor put her hand down he fell.

Klarion- OW!
Me- Taylor! You have the power to control gravity. It will take time to control it or...
Taylor- or what?
Me- Or you could wear this. ( I gave her a pink crystal bracelet) This is a bracelet that will alow you to control and access your powers.
Taylor- Awesome!
Me- Let's go back to the house.

When we went back to the house, it was fun. Taylor still didn't like Klarion, but she got along with Robin fine. It was kinda sweet but I know she likes someone else.

The End Of the Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें