The green Crystal

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I finally was able to sleep in my own bed. I woke up really early, 4:00 am. I turned on a light bulb and an electric spark came out and made a little Tornado. When it stopped a capsule like the others stood right there. The riddle in the capsule said We worship more gods than you could count. We built the square based pyramid. Mummies are free to roam around. If you would understand, I'd put this clue in hyrogliphics. Where is the next crystal? I knew the answer. I ran up and got Taylor and Ivy. We went into the Hover Jet. We traveled to..... EGYPT! When we landed in Egypt, I saw the green Crystal. It was on top of the pyramids. I ran up, grabbed it, came back down and destroyed it. Right after I destroyed it another boy our age came out. He had brown hair in the back and blonde in the front. All three of us reconized him immediately.

All three of us- Aiden!?
Aiden- Hey guys, glad to see me.
Me- Sure, What powers do you have?
Aiden- Powers aren't real. Stop saying that shit. ( He lifted his hand to point at me and electricity came out.)
Taylor- Looks like you have the power to control electricity. To bad you can't control it. (She said sarcastically)
Me- (I gave him a green Crytal ring) Where this, it will alow you to control and access your powers.

I pulled the Hover Jet out of my Bracelet. Aiden rolled his eyes.

Aiden- That is so fake, It can't be real because it doesn't exist.
Ivy- It is real! How do you think we got here, idiot!

I took his arm and dragged him into the ship. He complained for almost the whole ride back to my house. I didn't listen. I started to get irritated, so I put duck tape of his mouth. He started mumbling.

Taylor and IVY - THANK YOU!

I laughed. When we got back I lead him inside and took the duck tape off.

Aiden- This is not your house. You stole it!
Me- I did not, Idiot.

Klarion and Robin walked in. When they saw Aiden they looked mad.

Me- Aiden? This is Robin and Klarion. Guys? This is Aiden.
Robin- Hey.
Klarion- Hi
Aiden- You have two guys living with you? I didn't think a girl like you would do that.
Klarion- We all decided since we are the last ones on earth that it would be a good Idea to live together, all of us.
Aiden- So none of you are more than friends with the girls.
Ivy and Taylor- No.
Me- Are you going to stay here or not?
Aiden- Sure, why not.
Taylor- I'll show you to your room.

Taylor grabbed his arm and dragged him to a room at the end of the hall. I sighed. I never thought he would leave.

Me- This is just going to get awkward.
Ivy - Yup.
Klarion- This is going to be very difficult with him.
Robin- I agree.
Ivy- That's a first.
Me- I know, freaky.

2 Hours Later
We all met on the couch and started to match. We put on a movie called The Cabin In The Woods. We were seated like.

Aiden/Ivy/Taylor/Robin Klarion/Me
It was a horror films. I got scared with it really easily. I was hiding in Klarions Chest for all the scary parts. Aiden was screaming so loud I bet he could be the next Black Canary. When I looked around I didn't see Taylor. Then all of a sudden.
I saw creep behind Aiden. She shook him and yelled BOO! At the same time. He jumped so high he could have touched the ceiling. We all laughed. Then there was a scream on the TV we all jumped except Klarion. We started watching the movie again. I was huddled in close with Klarion. I knew I was safe.

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