The Purple Crystal

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Robin's POV
I'm hanging out with Taylor. She and I are fighting. She has beat me a few times. Suddenly we heard an explosion. Ally was already outside the house, she was looking at a metal capsule.

Taylor- What is it?
Me- Our next crystal.

Ally's POV
The riddle inside the capsule said The savanna, Zebra, and rhinos are your next clue for the crystal.Hi-ena! I knew the answer.

Me- Guess What?
Robin- What?
Taylor- Where is the next crystal?
me- Were going to Africa!
Taylor- Let's get Klarion and go.
Me- When did you want Klarion to come?
Taylor- Umm.
Me- I'm kidding Taylor. Let's go.

I ran in the house. Klarion was on the couch. I ran over and grabbed both of his hands. He didn't want to leave so he was dragging his feet.

Me- What will it take for you to come outside?
Klarion- Will you let me pick the movie tonight.
me- Fine.

I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside. We went in the Hover Jet and flew to Africa. When we got there, there was a pack of Zebras. In the middle of them was a purple gem.

Me- Klarion?

he smiled and smashed the crystal. A girl with dark, brown hair with light, brown hair at the ends. She was the same height as Taylor and the same age as all of us. Me and Taylor knew her immediately.

Me and Taylor- Ivy!
Ivy- Hey guys, so glad to see you, I didn't think that both of you would live. Is that Robin? and who is the other boy?
Me- Good to see you to, Yes that is Robin and my friend is Klarion.
Ivy- Cool, Can we go. I need to do something. I've been stuck in that freezing crystal. Wait a minute, aren't you the guy who separated the world into two?

She pointed at Klarion and he was trapped in a block of ice. I started to laugh. So did Taylor. I took out my Laser gun and shot the cube. I melted. Klarion was unconscious. I ran over to him and picked him up in my arms. I touched his cheek . He was freezing. We all ran to the Hover Jet.

When we got back I put Klarion in a bed. I put a warm cloth on his forehead. He slowly opened his eyes. I had chicken soup, so I gave it to him.

-Flash back to when Klarion was frozen-
Ivy- Awesome I have the power of Ice!
Ally- take this, The Purple bracelet will help let you control your powers. Isn't it weird, that both of you just got powers?
Taylor- It is kind of weird.
-End of flashback-

Klarion finished his soup and layed in bed. I put a hand on his cheek. He smiled. I felt his head. The fever he had was now gone. It looked like he was better. I helped him up.

Me- I'm glad you're okay.
Klarion- So am I.

He smiled at me. I smiled back. We all sat down stairs. We all sat down to watch a movie. We sat like.

Ally/Klarion Taylor/Robin/Ivy

Klarion put on the movie smiley. Creepiest movie ever. I hate horror movies. I had to hold onto Klarion for all the scary parts. Ivy was really freaked out. She kept holding Taylor's and Robin's arms. She screamed the loudest. After the movie everyone was asleep but me. I became tired and layed my head on Klarions Chest. I fell asleep listening to his heart beat. It was calming. My face became really warm and red.

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