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Coco's P.O.V

I walk over to Chandler and hold his hand instantly his eyes flutter open.

Hey Chanel I say kissing him on his head.

Chanel what the !?!?! Why would you kiss me I'm dating Hana. He says looking around so no one saw.

What !?!? I choke out

Hana and I are dating ! He says

No you and I are dating I say as tears start welling in my eyes.

Chanel what are you talking about no we aren't ! He whispers sternly.

Baby stop lying. I say crying putting my face in my hands.

Chanel? I think you should leave now. He says clearly uncomfortable.

I pick my face out my hands and just look at him really Chandler.

I get up and leave balling my eyes out I make it to the parking lot I get in my ranger and just have a break down I couldn't breath.

I was just thinking this is it im dying and the parking lot is empty no one can save me. I start searching for my inhaler I finally found it.

I take and calm myself down before pulling off and driving back to my house.

I pull up to my house and I see cops,cops,and more cops surrounding my house I pull in my driveway to see cops waiting for me. before i realize it im taken away in handcuffs.

I remember looking back to see my mom screaming while the police hold her back and I saw my dad get out his car wondering what the hell is going on.

All I can hear is my father screaming Chanel what the hell did you do?

I see the news crew filming me and cameras flashing in my face .

All I could think of is what the hell did I do ?

The news crew keeps asking me why did I hurt Hana Hayes ?

Wait im so confused I never hurt her.

Why'd you shoot hana you almosted killed her.

All that happened in a matter of seconds but to me it felt like years.

The police push me into the cop car. and we drive off to Juvy.

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