The Cat Fight

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~Chanel's P.O.V

Im asleep in bed and I get a phone call at 12:45 at night from chandlers brother.

Hey Chanel there has been an accident and we don't know if chandlers gonna be okay.

WAIT WHAT, WHAT HAPPENED WHERE IS HE? I scream into the phone.

I guess he slipped in fell from running in the rain. There was a pause at the phone until he said something oh god its all my fault. he cries into the phone

What hospital r-room is h-he in? I say feeling like im going to have a panic attack.

He's in Saint Mary's room 132.

I run to my closet and put on a Minnie mouse baggy sweatshirt and Mickey Mouse sweatpants that look like mickeys hands are on my butt.

I run to the garage to my ranger and start it and pull off.

I swear as im driving I hit every red light and the Goverment is doing like on purpose.

I finally get there and get to the front desk.

I ask the nurse which room in Chandler in and she looks me up and down like im some crazy fangirl.

Ummm visiting hours are over. She says crossing her arms

Were family. I lie

Ok since you're family why don't we call them and ask. She says giving me the most bitchyest smile.

Okay why don't we I say giving her the same smile back.

She rolls her eyes and picks up the phone.

Um Mr.Riggs we have a young lady here to se-

I cut her off and said tell him its Chanel Evans.

She says her name is Chanel Evans Does that ring a bell? She says clearly flirting.

She hangs up the phone. He's in room 132.

As im walking away she mumbles Bitch she under her breath.

I turn back around and say you know what I didn't want to bring up this but my uncle owns this hospital and I can sure in the hell get you fired bitch. I say standing my ground. Im surprised Chanel Evans didn't ring a bell for you I say walking away like a boss.

I go find his room and walked in to my amazement I saw fucking Hana like really my night has been terrible. She's at Chandler's side holding his hand saying im here baby everything's gonna be okay.

When she spots she looks suprized and then pure evil fills her eyes.

She runs straight towards me and drags me out to the hallway.

What the fuck Chanel we have been best friends since pre school we were babies Chanel your gonna let a guy get in the way of our friendship.She says almost breaking down.

Hana are you fucking serious I can make a list in where you stole my boyfriends.

In kindergarten Jacob Myers you kissed him behind the green dinosaur.

First grade you and Riley Maze kissed behind the willow tree at recess.

2nd fuckin grade hana Lucca Reyes you once again kissed another one of my boyfriends but this time right in front of me! I yell

This list hana can go on and on so for once can you fucking get over yourself? No you can't because you are to high up on your horse. I say

Chanel you are a fucking bitch she hisses.

And your a whore I say right back at her.

She runs off somewhere but I don't care.

I walk in the to see Chandler for the first time basically.

His body was all banged up and he was hooked up to lots of stuff.

He's Mine !Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora