"It's alright. He's innocent" Harry said quickly "it wasn't him, it was Peter"

"Wha- Peter? Who's Peter?" Ellena shouted in confusion "Peter pet—"

"Potter!" Snape came out of the hole when he notice the dark brown hair girl "what in the world are you doing here?"

"I'm asking myself the same thing" Ellena mumbled "but what are you doing here" Snape pulled Ellena back and pointed his wand at Sirius

"Oh my" Hermione gasped "he didn't have his potions tonight! He's not safe" she pointed at Lupin

"Run!" Sirius whispered "Run! Now!"

Ellena didn't know what was happening. They all were reacting together.

"Run?" she whispered to herself

There was a terrible snarling noise. Lupin's head was lengthening. So was his body. His shoulders were hunching. Hair was sprouting visibly on his face and hands, which were curling into clawed paws. As the werewolf reared, snapping its long jaws, Sirius disappeared from Harry's side and had transformed.

"Run. Yea alright" Ellena said loudly. This isn't really happening.

There were spells, fights of the werewolf and the dog, Ron holding his leg, Hermione screaming. While all this, Ellena didn't move.

"Sirius, he's gone, Pettigrew transformed!" Harry yelled as he walked back to Ron and Hermione.

"What did he do to him?" Hermione whispered. Ron's eyes were only half-closed; his mouth hung open. He was definitely alive, they could hear him breathing, but he didn't seem to recognise them "I don't know" said Harry

"He needs help!" Ellena said getting their attention as she sat on the ground next to Harry and Ron "I can help him" she looked at Harry and something in her eyes told him she could so he nodded

She opened her bag and took out a small transparent bottle and some leaves. She pour the bottle of the leave and rubbed it with another leaf. Then she took another bottle which had something thick inside. Ellena took it out with her finger and applied it on the leaf. As she did that, Harry had run away towards Sirius

"This might hurt" she whispered and put the two of the leaf on his leg and told Hermione to put the other two and press it hard to stop the bleeding

Ron started breathing faster then ever "It will stop the bleeding and hopefully if I made the potion right, you would stop feeling the pain"


Ellena black didn't know how they got back to Hogwarts. The four of them; Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ellena were in the hospital wing. Harry was unconscious while madam Pomfrey was checking Ron's leg.

"Your quick thinking of Aborto Potion and leaves might have saved the poor boy from more pain" Pomfrey said as she examined his leg "what else did you use Miss Black?"

"I have made a potion, which would stop the injury into getting worst and it would reduce the pain" Ellena said. She was sitting on one of the bed "I wasn't sure if it would work though.."

"It worked fine to me" Pomfrey nodded "Excellent! Great thinking!"

She smiled.

Hermione looked at Ellena and walked towards her, sitting next to her bed "thank you" she whispered

"It's alright" she replied

Ellena asked her what exactly happened today and Hermione stared with her story. When she stopped, Ellena had no idea what she should say.

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