entry 2

34 16 21

01 September 2023

If you think that whoever killed Scout Martini left town, then I'm afraid you are horribly wrong. The person in question is still in town, right under everyone's noses going on with their life as if its normal ( I can assure you that their life is anything but normal) With the police in this town refusing to search further about who killed Scout Martini, I am left to my own resources ( as per usual)

I, Juniper Celestial Adams vow to find the killer of Scout Martini, no matter the cost and no matter the debt I will be in. Due to my natural intellectual abilities I have narrowed the list of suspects to only a few:






us 5 were Scouts inner circle, well according to the paparazzi anyways, her rocks in the savage deep blue oceans that flooded her mind, some of us were closer to her than others. I was her lighthouse during the dark days and her summer song during the bright days.

Orion could've killed Scout, but not directly and that is where Atticus Augustus Martin comes in. My brother's fiercely loyal best friend, who also happens to be my ex. My first kiss, my first relationship and my first love - the destruction of himself and the ruination of me, as he ruined me for myself and for others, I can never feel as whole as I felt with him, Roman may have piqued my interest however Atticus deep down will forever own my heart.

For I don't own myself, he owns me.

I sit silently in the back of my English Literature class, observing the room as per usual. The teacher has assigned us with the essay task of:

Would you rather be a hero or villain?

This essay seems rather easy for 99% of the class as from my mere observation I have gathered that 18 members of the 20 person class are going to choose being a hero, the only 2 people who choose to be "quirky"....

me and Roman, hence why he has decided to start swivelling round in his chair looking for me. I never though this day would happen, but it did and as per usual I am prepared. My hair is looking flawless, my makeup done amazingly. When his gaze catches mine it feels as if time has stopped, he gets up and starts making his way towards my desk.

My heart beats faster, and my palms are getting sweaty.

Our eyes collide, a clash of green and blue, where the grass meets the ocean. He pauses. His scent colliding with mine, engulfing me in a warm embrace, he stops and drops a piece of paper on my desk...smirking at me, the bell rings and everyone starts to pack their shit away. Everyone but me.

I open the note and read it.

0956781234 - call me Roman SB

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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