entry 1

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My name is Juniper Adams, to be precise my name is Juniper Celestial Adams - JCA. I currently attend King's Court High, most commonly referred to as KCH amongst our rivals, I'm in year 13 and I take English Literature, History, Political Science alongside Psychology for my A-levels, I aspire to attend King's Court University and study political science whist minoring in law ( following the footsteps of both my father and mother)

Most recently the community in which I live in has been rather bland that was until he showed up. He being Roman Saint-Bennett. The only boy that was able to make my heart stop, the only boy that warmed me from the inside out, the only boy worth knowing. The only boy I want to know, however he doesn't want to know me, he refuses to converse with me, he blatantly ignores me. I walk left, he goes right. I breathe in and he breathes out. I lay awake whilst he sleeps. We never do the same things, we are true opposites. I'm the moon and he is the sun, he is North whilst I am South - we are opposites yet we will always be around each other.

He joined during the summer holidays, the first day of school starts tomorrow and as always I'm anxious as ever, with A levels just round the corner and the record label wanting me to produce 1 million and 1 songs before Winter break, mother hasn't visited since last year and father as per usual is locked away in his office on the other side of the country. My twin brother Orion is due back from rehab and will start the new year alongside me.

Everything was going great until she died.

She being my best friend, my soul sister, my twin flame - Scout Martini.

Found dead, her body mangled so much that we even struggled to identify her. She caused my brother Orion to relapse hence why he was sent to rehab as he turned to the drugs and the alcohol when the pain got too immense for him to handle, I however locked myself up in my room all summer, hurting myself mentally. Asking myself the painful questions.

Why her and not me? Why now and not then? Why us and not them?

Welcome to the shit show that I prefer to call my life, more specifically the life of Juniper Adams. The life of a future President, Formula One Driver, Singer-Songwriter, whatever I want to be, I'll be and whatever I want to say, I'll say, which is why I'll say this:

I know who killed Scout Martini

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