Chapter 104: Wrong Position

Start from the beginning

“Shishu, I am thinking something else.” Ling Yue shook her head. “Miss Kong Hou of Splendid Cloud Sect is really an amazing woman.”

Zhi He nodded. “Yes, young and already at Mind Activation Stage—her future is limitless.”

Ling Yue looked at Zhi He and didn’t speak.

Actually… she was not thinking that.

To turn a sword into a person—no ordinary person could do it. What marriage alliance? She wanted to see when the two would join and make all people’s jaws drop in shock. That was much more interesting than her entering a marriage alliance.


Outside Cheng Yi’s cave residence, Tan Feng had changed from a proper cross-legged position to one with his hand supporting his chin. As he looked at the clouds rolling around the mountain, his fingers tapped on his face. He wondered if Little Shimei had returned yet.

“Second Shixiong.” A woman in pink came from the clouds and accurately dropped in front of him. “I’ve returned; did you miss me?”

Tan Feng coughed at the dust that flew up and waved a hand in front of his nose. “Your cultivation grew, and so did your leg strength.”

Kong Hou giggled. “I was in a hurry to see you.” Then she took out a flying sword from her storage ring. “This is a flying sword personally forged by Spirit Master Zhong Xi—for you.”

“Little Shimei is great to have made an acquaintance with a person like Spirit Master Zhong Xi.” Tan Feng had been standing guard the entire time and didn’t know that Kong Hou had brought Spirit Master Huan Zhong back to the sect. He also didn’t know that Spirit Master Huan Zhong was Spirit Master Zhong Xi.

Tan Feng was interested in all swords. When Kong Hou had received Water Frost Sword from Elder Qiu Shuang, Tan Feng had felt great admiration. He hadn’t thought that Shimei would still remember and give him a sword she obtained from Spirit Master Zhong Xi.

The surface of the sword was unusually grand and had many seals. This was a first-class divine talisman. A person who could forge a sword like this was an expert, but from the appearance, it did not look like Spirit Master Zhong Xi’s work.

Tan Feng hesitated as he looked at the sword. “This is a rarity. But Shimei, did you buy this from someone else or really obtained it from Spirit Master Zhong Xi?” He worried that someone had fooled Shimei with a good talisman and said that Spirit Master Zhong Xi had made it. But who knew who was the true crafter.

Many people in the cultivation world made money like this. He feared Shimei had fallen victim.

“Of course he made it for you,” Kong Hou said. “I told him what kind of sword you liked, and he made one with me. Then had me give the sword to you after returning to the sect.”

“You mean that Spirit Master Zhong Xi made this just for me?” Tan Feng examined the sword for a long time before coming out of his joy. “Shimei, when you went travelling, did you learn bewitchment? Otherwise, how could a sword cultivator like Spirit Master Zhong Xi have such patience to make such an elaborate sword for me?”

“What do you mean?” Kong Hou snorted. “What kind of sword cultivator is Zhong Xi? He is good-looking, has a good temper—what is not good about him?”

“Please, don’t be angry, don’t be angry. I just don’t dare believe this is true.” Tan Feng hurriedly took a storage bag out of his storage ring. “This is the newest style of dresses I bought for you by saving on food and other things in the last few months, and also combs and hairpins. Just for them, do not hold a grudge.”

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