24. Missing Pieces of the Puzzle

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Finished - April 8, 2023

Word Count - 4588

Music - Lullaby of the Siren - Audiomachine


Words could not express how enraged Yuu Takari had become, his fury was barely contained inside the small compartment of his brain. If he had not been born quirkless, he would be too powerful to stop. No force of nature or man would be able to tame his anger.

He had put his trust in the school and its fabled Hero's. Faith that they would be able to keep his daughter safe.The only piece of his family left. The only thing in this world that he truly cared for. His beautiful, fragile, kind daughter. Allira.

Yet U.A. had betrayed his trust and allowed intruders to slip by their "solid defenses''. Not only any intruders, but the very people Yuu had warned them about, the people they should be protecting her from.

The only reason he had relinquished control and moved her away from home. The school had assured him that keeping Allira living on campus would keep her safe! Keep her hidden and away from the danger!

Yuu spent years trying to keep Allira out of their hands; constantly switching jobs, moving schools, moving towns, running away from his problems. Yuu's entire life revolved around her.

Then when he finally gave in, finally let go and asked for help; this happened. She was attacked! Her room was torn to pieces and she was personally threatened.

In addition; the sole redemption of the incident was that Allira was not in her room when the attack happened. She was not physically harmed and still within Yuu's reach. However, she was with a boy! Yet another rule being broken upon the schools watch.

All the years of hiding this information was flushed down the toilet and he could hide it no longer.

Yuu always felt guilty about not telling her, keeping the situation from her. But he knew, once Allira knew.

She would most definitely find her.

"This is unacceptable, it has gone too far!" Yuu paced the hardwood flooring of the Principal's office. "I'm taking Allira home."

"Takari, you must reconsider!" Aizawa protested. "What good will that do now?"

"I don't care, I trusted you and look where that has gotten us!" Yuu barked.

"I agree with Aizawa, you must stay here. Both of you." Nezu urged.

"No. No."

"Please Takari, leaving now will only make things worse." Aizawa stepped in front of Yuu's pacing, his hands out gently.

"I have to protect my family."

"The best way to do that is to stay here. Allow Allira to finish her training, so she can learn to defend herself!" Aizawa pushed further, not wanting to lose another student.

"She's learned enough, we have to run." Yuu was panicking, not listening to reason.

"Obviously, things have changed and we have lost your allegiance." Nezu apologized. "But there is no escape from this and they will act again. I'd rather that attack happen when Allira has friends on her side, wouldn't you?"

The statement hit Yuu like a strong wind, the words whirled though his brain as he understood the message. Once again, they were right. Yuu wasn't capable enough to stop the evil on his own and he needed their help. For Allira's sake.

"You're right." He sighed heavily. "I will do what is best for Allira's safety. But if anything happens again, I will take things back into my own hands."

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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