13. A Heated moment and the Mysterious Click

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Finished - November 10, 2022

Word Count - 3997 

Music - Final Kingdom - Two Steps From Hell


By the time Thursday hit, Bakugo agreed to let Takari choose when they would train. He had pulled her out of bed every morning and she was obviously exhausted. She couldn't keep herself awake during classes and it was affecting her during the day.

Therefore he offered to let her choose the time. However, Bakugo waited all day for her to grab him and start their practice, but it never came and he was starting to get pissed. Not only because Takari was being lazy, but he was being gypped of spending one on one time with her.

This was one of the many reasons Bakugo woke her up so early, he wanted to see her as soon as he woke up. She was the first thing he thought about once he opened his eyes and he was never patient.

In just the few days they had been practicing together, Bakugo had become accustomed to seeing her first thing in the morning. Thursday was the first day he hadn't jumped straight to her room and honestly, he already missed her.

Yes, he saw her at school, in the common room and throughout the day. But he hadn't spent any time just as the two of them. This was what he missed most.

Bakugo felt incredibly eased around Takari, but he didn't share that level of comfortability with the rest of the class. He had his close friends, but nothing relaxed him like she did. He only dropped his walls when they were alone, he still had a reputation to hold around his colleges. But for an odd reason, his reputation didn't even cross his mind with Takari.

After dinner, he stopped moping around waiting for her to approach him. He didn't want to feel needy and was honestly too embarrassed to talk to her about it. He didn't want her to think that he had been hanging around like a lost puppy for her. Which of course he had.

By 8:00pm, he was ready for bed and started his journey up the stairs to bed. This was a very normal thing for Bakugo, he valued his evening time and always went to bed early. Therefore no one thought it odd when he retired before everyone else.

He stopped by his room first to grab his toiletries and headed to the bathroom. Then started his evening routine, brushing his teeth and washing his face. After a few minutes he headed back to his room, but before he got there he saw something.

Standing in front of his door, Takari stood knocking on the dorm entrance. She hadn't noticed him walking down the hall and probably thought he was inside the room. Her knocks were gentle and hesitant, as if she was nervous about waking him up.

"You!" Bakugo stomped towards her. His stern words startled Takari and her shoulders jumped slightly as she saw him. "Where have you been all day?!"

"What do you mean?" Takari held her hands up, her face confused.

"I mean we agreed that you would choose when we would train today. You totally bailed on me!"

"I came up to get you now. I'm ready." She smiled as if she hadn't pissed him off.

"Are you freakin kidding me?!" Bakugo burst in frustration. "Now?!"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

Bakugo looked down at the toothbrush in his fist and sighed. He was really tired. He never usually stayed up past 9:30 and he could already tell this was going to be a long night. But he wasn't about to deny himself time with Takari, the time he had been craving all day.

"You are lucky I like you." Bakugo pointed a threatening finger at her nose, making her eyes cross. Which only added to Bakugo's frustration of how cute she looked.

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