16. Walk With Me

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Finished - November 25, 2022

Word Count - 4590

Music - George Winston - Joy


With the change of seasons came with great anticipation of the winter holidays. The entire dorm was decorated for Christmas, complete with colorful lights, large stockings and even a garnished pine tree. Smells of fresh baked pie filled the air, from the cherry pie Allira and Sato made together as a surprise for their dorm.

The U.A. students were able to celebrate their christmas vacation as they wished. Students came and went as they pleased, spending time with friends and family. The only rule was that they were asked to come back at the end of the day for their usual head count. Other than sleeping arrangements, everything was quite normal.

Though, for Allira it was very different. She and her father hadn't celebrated Christmas since her mother passed away. It was Hisano's favorite holiday and Yuu had not been able to find the joy of Christmas ever since.

Allira however, found the holiday nostalgic and a pleasant reminder of better days. The familiar smells, sights and sounds brought back fond memories.

Upon Christmas Eve she came back from her fathers house just after dinner, a bit earlier than normal. With the desire of dwelling upon happy thoughts, she sat herself in the very center of the couch. Which gave her the perfect view of the pretty Christmas tree.

Because of her father, she hadn't had a Christmas tree since she was a child, therefore she wasn't going to let its beauty go to waste now.

Her eyes danced over twinkling lights, carefully wrapped presents and the silly stockings her classmates had handmade. Each one was made of an actual sock and a piece of paper stapled to each one with everyone's names. The sight was humorous and looked as if a child had made them. Yet, it felt right.

With a blanket over her lap Allira brought out her crochet project and continued. Expertly hooking and pulling the soft yarn through each loop to make the last few lines of the scarf she was making.

Her fingers worked on autopilot as her mind wandered. She couldn't believe the year was half way over, she had been attending U.A. for a whole semester, five entire months.

She had become very comfortable at this school with these people. She was incredibly nervous because it was usually around this time that she would be forced to leave. They never stayed in one place too long. It seemed that the moment she felt at ease, everything would change.

Instead of sinking into negative thoughts, she took a deep breath to clear her mind. She focused on the atmosphere and how cozy it was. With the fireplace crackling, Christmas tunes playing softly and the view of snow falling outside. The only light coming from the soft glow of the christmas tree made it incredibly peaceful.

The calm was much appreciated after the grueling final exams of last week. Tests and physicals stacked up on top of eachother right before winter break and the end of their first semester.

Allira had been paired up with Tokoyami and they worked very well together. Their techniques matched up perfectly since they were both known for hiding in the shadows. To hide and ambush quickly as an assassin.

Though their weakness turned out to be their sensitivity to light. Dark shadow fled from bright lights and Allira's handicapped eyes frailed in the brightness.

Allira's eyes were always very temperamental, she had incredibly poor eyesight and wore glasses at all times. In addition, because of her albinism, her eyes had not been able to complete their growth. She was incredibly sensitive to bright or flashing lights. This was one of the reasons her eyes were cloudy and pale, just like the rest of her.

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