2. Class 2-A

17 1 0

Finished - August 2, 2022

Word Count - 2486

Music - Angel of War - BrunuhVille


Feet frozen in place, eyes scanning every inch of the grand entrance; Allira stood, almost scared of what lay before her. A wall reaching over ten feet high, massive buildings and a large emblem labeled UA.

The first day of a new school was always nerve wracking, but this school was different then all the others she had attended. This was not a normal school, it was a hero school. This meant that Allira would finally learn how to use her quirk and how she could use it to help people.

Thankfully, Allira never really listened to her fathers warning about her quirk. She thought that keeping it under the table would only make her afraid of her power. Instead of fearing it and bottling it up, she would practice her quirk and learn to control its power carefully, on her own time.

Students passed her as she took in the sight of the massive entrance. Walking around her form as she stood and watched quietly, each giving her odd looks as they passed. Each wearing the same uniform that Allira currently wore. A gray and green striped blazer with either a black skirt or pants.

Nevertheless, practicing a few times a week in her backyard was nothing compared to the training she would receive at U.A. High School. The thought excited her, but almost scared her. Would she be able to stay here long term? Did she dare think that far ahead?

As exciting as it was, did she really think that they wouldn't leave again? She wasn't naive enough to believe in fairy tales.

Ready to start her new journey, she took her first step onto the campus. Keeping her eyes open and senses aware, she took in everything.

Students of all ages darted back and forth, each standing in groups of three or four. Talking about the exciting new semester, asking about what classes they were in.

Upon hearing this, Allira pulled out a slip of paper from her skirt pocket. It was a hand drawn map of the school that she had found on the internet. In the bottom corner was the name of her class, 2-A.

Since this was Allira's first time on campus, she didn't know her way around. She was never given a proper tour of the school and didn't know much about it. Other than it was a hero school, however, she wasn't quite sure what that truly meant.

Examining her scribbled piece of paper, she tried to find something familiar to base her home made map to. Maybe a fountain, or a statue, anything.

Soon, Allira found herself walking in circles. She couldn't find any large landmarks, in fact, nothing looked familiar at all. She was starting to believe that the map she found online was bogus.

Now she was kicking herself for not taking a tour before her first day, but she had been busy with the enrollment requirements. Before she could even step foot on campus, she needed to get her hero's license and take the preliminary placement test. Since she was coming in as a second year, she had to meet all the same requirements as her classmates, who did all that last year. Everyone else was a year ahead, and she would be playing catch up for a while.

However, Allira was determined to succeed at this school, no matter how long her attendance lasted. Because this was the school where her mother graduated and became a Professional Hero. Ultraviolet was a Hero highly regarded by the staff and was probably the only reason she passed her preliminary testing.

During her search for her classroom, Allira found herself right back where she started. The large gates taunted her lack of direction. Frustrated, wasn't sure what else she could do. She didn't dare ask someone for directions, that would label her a newbie before classes even started and she would never hear the end of it.

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