14. From Your Eyes

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Finished - November 16, 2022

Word Count - 2262

Music - Call of the Nemeton - Tartalo Music


For the first time all semester, Allira was downstairs before the rest of her classmates. She sat blankly at the kitchen counter trawling a spoon in her tea as it grew cold. Eyes stared at the wall, too enthralled by her thoughts to see anything beyond. With her school bag packed by her feet, she waited for a more appropriate time to leave for class.

The time read approximately 5:43am and Allira was already completely ready for school. Mostly because she hadn't been able to sleep at all, proven by the dark circles under her eyes.

Her thoughts were preoccupied by the events of last night, specifically upon the moment she came face to face with Bakugo's face.

She felt completely overwhelmed, excited and confused. The thought of Bakugo was appealing and exhilarating. To have a partner to tackle life's challenges, to not be alone.

At the same time, the idea of opening up and giving her heart to someone was terrifying. Her entire life she had sealed herself away, as a protection mechanism to keep her from being hurt. The walls she had built were tall and would not come down in one night.

Allira had only ever been close to one person since her mother passed away. That was her father, her one consistent person she knew would never leave. Was she truly ready to let in someone new? A boy she had only known for a few months.

From upstairs, Allira could hear movement and knew her classmates would be joining her shortly. Mornings were always a hassle as students clambered to gather their shoes, books and backpacks. All competing to be the first one out the door.

Allira had no interest in being caught in the chaos and readied herself to leave before they came down stairs. She hadn't the mental energy to drink even a sip of her sacred tea and it had grown cold. Therefore she poured the tea into the sink and rinsed out the porcelain mug.

Lastly, she zipped up her large black coat, grabbed her school bag and headed into the brisk morning.

Meanwhile, Bakugo was in the midst of his own mental turmoil.

He had tossed and turned all night, his body unable to rest. Usually he falls asleep immediately after laying down, especially after a late night. But this was different, he found it impossible to rest his mind.

His brain replayed the memory of kissing Takari over and over. Conflicting emotions of guilt and pleasure caused the inner battle.

On one side he yearned for Takari, to hold her, claim her and never leave her side.

He was incredibly drawn to her mannerisms, her soft smile, her gentle words and that feisty side that popped out every once in a while. She was so much more than a comrade or training partner. He had never felt this way towards anyone before, it was all foreign and he didn't know what to do.

On the other hand; he was incredibly scared.

Bakugo lived his life with one goal. A determination that drove him to become the very best. He couldn't afford any distractions that might lead him away from his chosen path.

This was not something he could blast away with a blaze of fire, this required an entirely different set of skills he had no experience with. When faced with a challenge his strategy never changed. Face it head on and never back down.

However, this situation was completely foreign. He had no idea how to handle things like this. The way of the heart was completely out of Bakugo's comfort zone and didn't know what to do with his own feelings.

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